News & Press Releases
14 December 2009
More than 200 Protesters were arrested in Copenhagen on Sunday. Approximately 1000 protesters from across Europe were present, the crowd started targeting the Danish shipping giant Moller-Maersk which is when the Police decided to intervene.
10 December 2009
So far the major issues around the Copenhagen COP15 have concentrated on the participation of world leaders to one of the biggest gathering in the field of environmental law and politics.
9 December 2009
Guardian / - There seems to be a great change coming in the climate change negotiations, after the "Danish" draft of an agreement was leaked to media yesterday.
4 December 2009
Now when almost all the major players have announced their emission reduction targets, the talk has turned to money and the ways the battle against climate change can be financed.
4 December 2009
Arctic Council - During the COP15, December 7- December 18, an Arctic Venue will be held at The North Atlantic Quay in Copenhagen.
4 December 2009 - As important as it is that the world leaders join together to find solutions to world's most severe problems, it is also important that the generations that will carry out most of the work in future that contains in the decisions made today get to have a say and share experiences globally.
4 December 2009
Already 65 world leaders have confirmed their attendance to the COP15 in Copenhagen in two weeks. What is, however, still unclear is whether the heads of states of the world's top three carbon polluters - USA, China and India - will attend.
4 December 2009
One of the major international environmental and political challenges of our time is the climate change. It has been known for some time now, but for economic reasons it has been very difficult to find shared stand on what to do and how to do it. The 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which entered into force in 2005, is the first legally binding climate change solution that the international community has been able to agree upon.
3 December 2009
The Times - As aspired as a new global climate change agreement in Copenhagen is, it has begun to seem that an agreement with almost any content is enough.
2 December 2009
Arctic Council - During the COP15, December 7- December 18, an Arctic Venue will be held at The North Atlantic Quay in Copenhagen.
1 December 2009 - As important as it is that the world leaders join together to find solutions to world's most severe problems, it is also important that the generations that will carry out most of the work in future that contains in the decisions made today get to have a say and share experiences globally.
27 November 2009
There exists no comprehensive definition on what Arctic is or where its borders lie. Different methods of defining the area give different outcomes and it is widely recognized that different regions within the Arctic vary enormously in terms of community viability, demographic, economic and social factors.
27 November 2009
The Arctic region has many faces. Historically it has been veiled by an aura of mystique, a frozen wonderland untouched by the outside and the effects of industrialization, populated by a mysterious group of people from a different phase in the history of man.
27 November 2009
The first ever doctoral dissertation will take place in the University of Greenland, Ilisimatusarfik, on friday.
27 November 2009
Already 65 world leaders have confirmed their attendance to the COP15 in Copenhagen in two weeks. What is, however, still unclear is whether the heads of states of the world's top three carbon polluters - USA, China and India - will attend.
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