News & Press Releases
8 November 2010
The Arctic Portals Climate Change and Sea Ice Portal is intended to give individuals access to material according to each ones need in connection to the subjects This will consist of recent news articles, scientific reports and other relevant material.
5 November 2010
Norwegian Petroleum Directorate/Barents Observer - 37 companies have applied exploration license in the 21st licensing round on the Norwegian continental shelf in the Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea areas. The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate is very pleased with the number of applications and says that company considered a competent applicant must have technical expertise and a sound understanding of geology in addition to financial strength and experience.
4 November 2010
Barents Observer reports that Vladimir Selin, Chief Research Scientist at the Kola Science Center shares his opinion that the Agreement between Russia and Norway on the delimitation of the Barents Sea will result in Norway moving out of the Shtokman gas field and believes that it is part of the agreement.
3 November 2010
Barents Observer - Norway and Russia signed yesterday a milestone agreement on visa-free travel between Russia and a Schengen-member state in Oslo.
2 November 2010
The Virtual Learning Tools project is a cooperation between the Arctic Portal, University of the Arctic, APECS, ICR, SVS and Hsvest to create a virtual learning tool specifically designed for Northern residents. During this January a pilot course led by Phillip Burgess at the ICR will commence within the system, prior to a formal launch in June 2011.
1 November 2010
Former Russian president, and current prime minister of Russia Vladimir Putin Urges Arctic nations to reach an agreement on the areas rich mineral resources. Further he states that he is confident that all such agreements will be peaceful and in accordance to international law. During last month a historic border deal between Norway and Russia was signed, which hopefully can be looked upon as a example of how these matters should be sorted out.
29 October 2010
Scientists have started using thermometer- wearing narwhals to obtain temperature readings from beneath the winter pack ice in Baffin Bay. The diving mammals fill in a geographical and seasonal gap in the region's climate records, as winter temperatures have not been available from the area before.
27 October 2010
Arctic Shipping is a topic that is of great interest to both nation states as well as local Northern communities. The last four years have shown a trend of record low ice extent, and it is generally bellieved that the melt will continue to increase.
26 October 2010
The Board of Directors of the Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope (ICAS), Barrow, Alaska, respectfully request you to be a presenter at our annual Environmental Justice Conference to be held in Barrow, AK, January 11th and 12th, 2011.
22 October 2010
The 2010 Arctic Report card has been released. Of particular interest this year is the short video visible below.
22 October 2010
Vice president of the EU, Diana Wallis has accused Greenland and other Arctic nations of failing to ensure the environment in the Arctic is properly protected Wallis said she could imagine "people on the streets" protesting if wider international stewardship is not guaranteed. These allegations go hand in hand with the E.U pushing for a ban on deep water drilling since the BP accident in the Gulf of Mexico.
12 October 2010
Unique Arctic habitats for flora and fauna, including sea ice, tundra, lakes, and peatlands have been disappearing over recent decades, and some characteristic Arctic species have shown a decline. The changes in Arctic Biodiversity have global repercussions and are further creating challenges for people living in the Arctic.
7 October 2010
Due to the increased marine traffic in Arctic waters representatives from Denmark, Norway, Canada, Russia and the United States have set up a new Arctic Regional Hydrographic Commission.
21 September 2010
Cairn Energy, a oil and gas exploration company based in Ireland has reported the first oil discovery in Greenland. Previously the company had discovered natural gas. In the companies statement Chief Executive Bill Gammel says that "The presence of both oil and gas confirms an active, working petroleum system in the basin and is extremely encouraging at this very early stage of our exploration campaign for the Sigguk block and the entire area".
17 September 2010
A historical deal between Russia and Norway was signed yesterday by president of Medvedev of Russia and Norwegian Prime minister Stoltenberg.
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