Arctic Portal offers a diverse range of specialized services, all focusing on the different needs of the Arctic area.

Arctic Portal Maps

Arctic Portal specializes in creating customized graphical maps that cover a range of significant Arctic topics with global recognition. These subjects include Arctic DefinitionArctic Sea IceShippingGovernance & Arctic OrganizationsArctic floraArctic fauna, and Infrastructure.

We consistently update and add new maps to our website, with recent additions encompassing infrastructure layouts, polar bear population distribution, various whale species distributions, walrus habitats, and Arctic shipping routes featuring projections for Northpolar-Canada and Northpolar-Russia.

All the data employed in crafting our maps are sourced either from our partners (see Arctic Portal Community) or from the most reliable and reputable databases currently available. Our commitment to transparency ensures that sources are consistently cited.

A wide selection of our maps is available for viewing, subject to our specified conditions, and can also be purchased for direct download and can then be used for open publication on the condition that the source Arctic Portal is cited.

If you are looking for a map tailored to your specific requirements, we invite you to submit a request to , detailing your preferences and needs. Our team is dedicated to assisting you in creating a map that aligns perfectly with your specifications, and we will provide cost information accordingly.

To view the available maps please click on the picture or the text - Maps Gallery.


1.9 seaice shipping map


Web hosting

The Arctic Portal hosts various websites for Arctic-related organizations and affiliations. The websites are around 40 and the list is constantly growing.
If you want your website to be hosted by Arctic Portal or if you require any further information, please contact info@arcticportal

Web designing & creating

Arctic Portal designs its websites from scratch, accordingly with the customers’ requirements, and hosts them in its server located in Iceland, a safe and protected server powered by 100% green energy.
We offer continued assistance related to website management, and our IT experts are available to teach you how to independently take care of and update your website.
For further information, please contact

Here you can find some examples of websites developed by the Arctic Portal Team. Move the mouse cursor over the picture in the mosaic to read more and click the links to visit the websites.


News & information from the Arctic

Arctic Portal has gathered on its webpage relevant information on the Arctic currently available on the web: 

  • Daily News On the homepage of, or on our social networks, users may find everyday a piece of news regarding the Polar regions written by our staff. To look for a specific piece of news you want to retrieve from our archieve, go to “News” and write the key-words on the title filter. Otherwise, you can just browse all past news. For more updates on what is going on in the region, users may also check out our “News Portlet”, an RSS feed.
  • Announcements This section gathers together relevant official communications and/or press releases from both the public and private sector, as Governments, NGOs, Firms, etc., as they have been written by the author/s. If you want to submit your document to be published in this section, please contact  . Arctic Portal reserves the rights not to publish the document if considered not pertinent, or offensive.
  • Portlets Arctic Portal Portlets provide an easy access to material, as recent news articles, scientific reports and other relevant material, concerning several key topics as “News”, “Climate Change”, “Energy”, “Shipping”, “Arctic Business”, “Fishing” and “Arctic Societies”. The Portlets are co-managed by Arctic Portal in collaboration with several worldwide Institutions with specific focuses on different aspects of the Arctic.
  • Library  The objective of the Arctic Portal Library is to maintain a comprehensive collection of Arctic relevant scientific and educational material, inclusive of books, articles and journals. The new “legal section” contains the original texts of Arctic-relevant International agreements, International Codes and Regulations and other relevant legal texts. Furthermore, this section also collects relevant quasi-legal instruments, or “Soft-Law” materials, as resolutions, declarations, statements, principles particularly relevant for the Arctic. In addition, the library now contains also a dedicated section, “Arctic Policy Database”, which gather together the Arctic Policy texts from Arctic and Non-Arctic States. Moreover, material produced in various Arctic research programs and projects and within the scope of Arctic research institutions and organizations will be readily available in the Archive.

Events Calendar

All conferences, workshops, summits, meetings and any other relevant events for the Arctic and the Antarctic, can be found on Arctic Portal Calendar. 

If you want to submit information regarding an event not yet visible in our calendar, please contact:

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