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11 February 2011

Dmitri Medvedev

For decades there was a boundary dispute between Norway and Russia, where Norway favored the Median Line and Russia favored a meridian based sector.

11 February 2011

fishing boats in Norway

Here is extensive data about Arctic Shipping. Below is a list of documents of high importance and easy access to the Arctic Portal Data Library gives an even broader dimension to search for shipping data.

10 February 2011

small fishing boat

As reported by the Arctic Portal, real time catches in the Canadian, Alaskan and Russian Arctic waters are considerably higher than reported to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

10 February 2011

Marine Boundaries

Governance of Arctic shipping occurs through a mix of domestic and international legal instruments and “soft law” regional agreements. There is no comprehensive international legal regime for the Arctic and no multilateral political organisation with the power to regulate activities or make legally binding decisions.

9 February 2011

Oil spill

The Arctic contains some of the last physically undisturbed areas on the planet, something that is becoming very rare in modern times. In recent decades, and especially during this millennium, the Arctic has also been undergoing extraordinary environmental changes. The Arctic is known as a storehouse of massive supplies of natural resources, which is increasing pressure on their extraction due to high commodity prices and a growing worldwide demand for them.

9 February 2011

Arctic Trawler

According to University of British Columbia researchers, it is estimated that fisheries catches in the Arctic totaled 950,000 tons from 1950 to 2006, almost 75 times the amount reported to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) during this period.

8 February 2011

AMSA report cover

The AMSA report (2009) is the leading source of information about Arctic shipping today. The Arctic Council decided in November 2004 at the ministerial meeting in Reykjavík that a comprehensive Arctic marine shipping assessment was necessary.

8 February 2011

arctic lake

A North Atlantic current flowing into the Arctic Ocean is warmer than for at least 2,000 years in a sign that global warming is likely to bring ice-free seas around the North Pole in summers, a study showed.

8 February 2011

Central Arctic Shipping Route

A shipping route through the central Arctic Ocean depends on significant reduction of ice thickness in that area.

8 February 2011

Northeast Passage shipping route

The Northeast Passage is in reality a useful sea route. It runs from the northernmost parts of the North Sea across the icy waters of the Arctic Ocean north of Russia, east to the Chukchi Sea and Bering Straits where access to the North Pacific is reached.

8 February 2011

Northwest Passage shipping route

The Northwest Passage is first and foremost considered to be continuous passage between islands and the continental mainland of Canada rather than an actual shipping route.

8 February 2011

Arctic Shipping Routes

Two sea routes have been defined to cross the Arctic, enabling ships to move between the Atlantic ocean and the Pacific ocean and thus have the possible status as international strait (or waters) giving right to transit passage.

8 February 2011

Cargo Ship

The Arctic is comprised of a large ocean area and land areas of eight states: Canada, Denmark (Greenland), Norway (Svalbard), Russia, USA (Alaska), Finland, Sweden and Iceland. The Arctic’s most pronounced feature, at least until very recently, has been the large ice-covered ocean. However, significant changes are taking place in the Arctic area, both on land and especially on the maritime areas.

1 February 2011

Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna

The Thirteenth meeting of the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (CAFF XIII), is to be held in Akureyri, Iceland on February 1 - 3rd 2011. Every two years, the Arctic Council Working Group on Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna schedules a large meeting in advance of the AC Ministerial meeting.

31 January 2011

Polar Bear

A female polar bear swam for nine days straight to find hunting grounds in the Beaufort Sea.

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