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Arctic Portal News Portlet

9 June 2017

ADAC Customers and Partners Roundtable

The Arctic Domain Awareness Center (ADAC) is a U.S. Department of Homeland Security, (DHS) Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate Office of University Programs, (OUP) Center of Excellence in Maritime Research hosted by the University of Alaska. The following is a recap of the Center’s most recent Customers and Partners Roundtable conducted via webinar to ADAC’s community of interest in the United States and Canada.

8 June 2017

Mikhail Pogodaev, Katrín Ríkarðsdóttir and Eiríkur Björn Björgvinsson

Arctic Mayors’ Roundtable

An Arctic Mayors’ Roundtable was held during the Arctic week in Fairbanks on the occasion of the 10 th Arctic Council Ministerial meeting.
The roundtable brought together the Arctic mayors. The municipal representatives gathered at the Roundtable to discuss common challenges and to join hands for cooperation and to share experience in the Arctic settlements’ management.

8 June 2017

arctic council 10th Ministerial meeting

We, the Ministers representing the eight Arctic States, joined by representatives of the six Permanent Participant organizations, have gathered in Fairbanks, Alaska, at the conclusion of the second United States Chairmanship, at the Tenth Ministerial meeting of the Arctic Council,

6 June 2017

Measurement Buoys

ECMWF has begun to generate an extended two-year global dataset to support the World Meteorological Organization’s Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP).

The start of production was timed to coincide with the official launch of YOPP in Geneva, Switzerland, on 15 May.

2 June 2017

eye on earth

Register here

All registrants will receive a link to the recording - so please register even if you cannot attend the live event.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

2 June 2017

EU Polarnet

Main topics of the May 2017 EU-PolarNet newsletter

31 May 2017

5th CNARC symposium

The 5th China-Nordic Arctic Research Cooperation symposium and roundtable was held in the beautiful and prosporous city of Dalian in China on May 24 to 26 with important and high level delegates from China and the Nordic countries attending as well as from Canada, USA and Russia.

19 May 2017

CNARC - China-Nordic Arctic Research Center

The event will explore opportunities for implementation on Arctic Shipping cooperation between Asian and Arctic partners. Bringing together key stakeholders from the fields of business, policy and research. Participants from the Chinese-side include China COSCO Shipping, Sinotrans, Dalian Port, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and State Oceanic Administration.

19 May 2017

European Union flag

The European Commission, EASME, is organising a climate and Earth system modelling workshop (hereinafter referred as "workshop") for exploiting synergies across four H2020 projects (APPLICATE, Blue-Action, CRESCENDO and PRIMAVERA) and incorporating research outcomes from a selected number of relevant FP7 projects around the topic: Evaluating climate and Earth system models at the process level.

15 May 2017

YOPP - Year of Polar Prediction

Rapid change in polar regions necessitates global response

GENEVA 15 MAY, 2017 - A concerted international campaign to improve predictions of weather, climate and ice conditions in the Arctic and Antarctic has been launched to minimize the environmental risks and maximize the opportunities associated with rapid climate change in polar regions and to close the current gaps in polar forecasting capacity.

12 May 2017

Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna

A new report „The State of the Arctic Marine Biodiversity Report“ (SAMBR) has been released by the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF), the biodiversity working group of the Arctic Council.

10 May 2017

Arctic Council Ministerial meeting

Tomorrow, May 11, the United States will host the 10th Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting in Fairbanks, Alaska. Minister-level representatives from the eight Arctic States will convene to review and approve work completed under the two-year U.S. Chairmanship to improve sustainable development and environmental protection in the Arctic. The Arctic States will be joined by delegations from the Council's indigenous Permanent Participant organizations and observers. At the conclusion of the meeting, the U.S. will transfer the Chairmanship of the Arctic Council to Finland.

9 May 2017

Week of the Arctic

Fairbanks and Anchorage, are celebrating the Week of the Arctic, sharing stories and best practices, and cultivating relationships that will last well into future chairmanships of the Arctic Council.

The 2-year U.S. Chairmanship of the Arctic Council (2015–2017) has been an exciting time for Alaska to be at the forefront of American foreign policy. Representatives from more than 15 nations have met in Alaska thus far, including a U.S. Presidential visit in August 2015. The Alaska Arctic Council Host Committee has coordinated a wide variety of activities that elevate Alaskan perspectives and priorities during this time.

4 May 2017

eye on earth

Priorities for Big Biodiversity Data:

The need for field-based species and ecosystem monitoring to complement satellite-based remote sensing

Register now!

All registrants will receive a link to the recording - so please register even if you cannot attend the live event.

28 April 2017

Deception Island

The Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP) announces the release of new scientific assessments for climate change in the Arctic, adaptation to Arctic change, and chemicals of emerging Arctic concern.

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