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Arctic Portal News Portlet

7 December 2017

Arctic Portal news

In recent decades, Arctic warming has amplified markedly and sea ice has shrunk drastically, leading to an emergent forcing that possibly drives anomalous atmospheric circulation and weather patterns beyond the Arctic.

7 December 2017

A COSCO container at the Noatum container terminal near Bilboa, in Santurtzi, Spain

Chinese shipping companies have sent a dozen vessels through the waters of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) in 2017, compared to five vessels the previous year. This is the largest fleet of non-Russian flagged vessels to ever operate on the route. In addition, the Xue Long, a Chinese icebreaker, also spent nearly three months sailing the Arctic Ocean, including Canada's Northwest Passage.

6 December 2017

Arctic Open

The Film Festival will last from December 7th to 9th. During these days, 14 venues in three cities of Pomorye – Arkhangelsk, Severodvinsk and Novodvinsk – will present 52 films selected out of 250 works that had been sent to the Festival Committee and entered the short lists.

5 December 2017

Kivalina Alaska from above

This week, the public will get its chance to provide input on plans to build an evacuation route for the climate-threatened Arctic village of Kivalina, Alaska.

29 November 2017

polar prediction matters

Ice service provision is a crucial element of safe and efficient operations in polar regions. The master and officers of any vessel sailing in potentially ice-covered waters require good, accurate and complete weather and sea-state forecasts as well as hydrographic information for the best possible analysis of sea-ice conditions to enable considered route planning. It is therefore vital that the right information reaches the right audience at the right time.

28 November 2017

Arctic Portal news

WCRP is soliciting offers to host the International Project Office for its Core Project CliC ("Climate and Cryosphere") from July 2018 onward, for a period of at least three years.

27 November 2017

North by North

For the North by North Festival, April 27-29, in Anchorage, teams of innovators are being organized who will work together to address one of four Sustainable Development Goals:

22 November 2017

Arctic Portal news

Retreating permafrost coasts threaten the fragile Arctic environment, The EU project Nunataryuk will determine the effects of permafrost thaw on Earth’s coldest shorelines

20 November 2017

Arctic Portal news

Eyes of northern Europe on Scotland as Arctic Circle Forum gets underway.

Furthering relationships with Arctic countries is helping Scotland to become a fairer and more prosperous nation, according to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

20 November 2017

Arctic Portal news

SciDataCon 2018 will take place as an integrated part of International Data Week, 22-26 October 2018, in Gaborone, Botswana.

16 November 2017


The Data Publisher for Earth and Environmental Science PANGAEA hosted by the German Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research offers to serve as a data hub for the Year of Polar Prediction. YOPP-relevant data can now be submitted to the PANGAEA database where it will be flagged as a 'YOPP' data set. Data archived at PANGAEA will then be harvested from the YOPP Data Portal metadata base.

14 November 2017

North by North

SAVE THE DATE - APRIL 27-29, 2018

The “North by North Festival” captures the spirit of Alaska and the Arctic – to address our challenges and opportunities with northern innovation and resilience, to build on a rich history and to ensure a prosperous future.

14 November 2017

Arctic Portal news

The Winter School provides you with the most intensive study tour you can get! This study tour is an unique opportunity to experience to learn about Arctic Climate Safety and Security in three countries (Finland, Norway and Sweden).

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