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Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to submit manuscripts to a special issue of the journal Advances in Polar Science (APS) on “Sea ice observations and modeling in China and Norway”.

This special issue is an extension of “The 1st China-Norway bilateral workshop on Polar Observations and Modeling: Towards better operational Services for the Society”, held on 13-14 June 2018 in Tromso, Norway. The workshop was jointly initiated by National Marine Environmental Forecasting Centre (NMEFC) in China and MET Norway. The overall goal of the workshop was to establish new links between Norwegian and Chinese research institutes and exchange knowledge of polar observations and modelling towards better operational services for the society. We would here like to use this APS special issue to further enhance such collaborations through including more contributions in addition to the workshop, with a focus on sea ice studies.

The topics of the special issue shall be related to recent researches and activities on observations and modeling of polar or high-latitude sea ice. These researches and activities would include in situ observations, remote sensing, modeling and process studies, operational services and applications. Both research articles and review papers are welcome. However, submitted manuscripts, except for review papers, should be complete and adequately supported by original investigation; they should not be versions of communications submitted or published elsewhere. All manuscripts will undergo regular review by members of the Guest Editors and other appropriate experts.

APS is a peer-reviewed English-language journal, supported by the Polar Research Institute of China, which is dedicated to the presentation of multi-disciplinary achievements in Arctic and Antarctic expeditions and research. The journal is open access, available both on-line and as a free printed version, and there are no publication charges for authors. For more details, please visit the APS’s websites: .

We thank you in advance for your consideration to submit manuscripts to this special issue, and we encourage you to share this announcement broadly with interested colleagues. Any queries shall be addressed to or .

For instructions on submitting a manuscript, please see the Advances in Polar Science journal page (

The schedule for this special issue is:

  • Call for Papers: June 2018 to Feb 2019
  • Paper submission deadline: 28 Feb 2019
  • Final acceptance deadline: 31 July 2019
  • Publication: October 2019

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