Yamal Oil and Gas

The 6th Annual international investment forum and exhibition “YAMAL OIL & GAS” is a one-of-a-kind pro-grade platform with a five-year success story.

It has been annually gathering over 300 C-suite executives of city forming enterprises in the region to tackle the most critical challenges shaping the future of oil and gas industry in the Arctic.

The programme of the event typically covers keynote O&G and infrastructural projects, operational aspects for the Arctic environment, and issues of unleashing investment and driving innovation. At the request of our participants, this year’s programme is jam-packed with interactive debate and dedicated workshops and sessions on exploration, production, finance, infrastructure etc.

Regular attendees to Yamal O&G include Arctic LNG 2, Arcticgas, Atomflot, Gazprom VNIIGAS, Gazprom geologorazvedka, Gazprom dobycha Nadym, Gazprom dobycha Urengoy, Gazprom dobycha shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Gazprom dobycha Yamburg, Gazprom neft, Gazpromneft shelf, Gazpromneft Razvitiye, Gazpromneft Yamal, Gazpromtrans, Lukoil West Siberia, Messoyakhaneftegaz, NOVATEK-Yurkharovneftegas, Rosneft, Rospan International, Severneftegazprom, SIBUR Holding, Yamal LNG, Yamal Railway, Gazprom proyektirovaniye, Gazpromneft Snabzheniye, NOVATEK, NOVATEK STC, NOVATEK-TARKOSALENEFTEGAS, to name just a few.

Date: November 28-29,2018
Venue: Novy Urengoy
Organised by: Vostock Capital

Among the regular VIP guests

  • Sergey Kochkurov, Vice President, LUKOIL, CEO, LUKOIL West Siberia
  • Denis Sugaipov, CEO, Gazpromneft Razvitiye
  • Sergey Menshikov, CEO, Gazprom dobycha Nadym
  • Vil Fakhretdinov, CEO, Novatek-Tarkosaleneftegas
  • Aleksey Ovechkin, CEO, Gazpromneft Yamal
  • Alexander Sleptsov, CEO, Rospan International
  • Aleksey Davydov, CEO, Gazprom geologorazvedka
  • Viktor Sorokin, CEO, Messoyakhaneftegaz, and many more


  • STRATEGIC PLENARY SESSION: current projects and trends in O&G industry of the Yamal Nenets Autonomous District. The Open Dialogue between project operators and policymakers
  • IN THE SPOTLIGHT! Mega projects: Yamal LNG, Arctic LNG 2, Messoyakha, YAMAL. Pose burning questions straight to project directors!
  • 2018 EXCLUSIVE! The Execs’ Ambitious Project Management Club. Private session on successful O&G project launch and completion in the Russian Arctic and all across the country
  • NEW VENUE – NEW OPPORTUNITIES. The Forum 2018 is held in Novy Urengoy, at the heart of the Russian Arctic industry, which definitely implies a dramatic increase in attendee list
  • GROUND-BREAKING INNOVATIONS: Dedicated sessions on oil and gas production technology. What’s new? Development strategies
  • FOCUS SESSION: Updates to the Northern Sea Route and Northern Latitudinal Railway. Insights to unlocking investment, shaping traffic flows, and developing seaports and rail infrastructure
  • NEW! Projects synergy: upstream and downstream infrastructure development in the Russian Arctic

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