News & Press Releases
14 October 2016
On Thursday October 13th, the Arctic Portal hosted a group of American students studying with the School for International Training (SIT) study abroad program in Iceland and Greenland. The program is affiliated with the University Centre of the Westfjords (Háskólasetur Vestfjarða).
12 October 2016
Monday October 10th saw another milestone in the continuing evolution of Icelandic-Chinese cooperation in scientific research: a cornerstone-laying ceremony took place at the new Chinese-Icelandic Aurora Observatory (CIAO) in Kárhól in the north of Iceland.
11 October 2016
The Northern Forum - an international body consisting of members from different regions and municipalities from around the Arctic - officially welcomed Lapland back into the fold of its members at a signing ceremony during the Arctic Circle Assembly on Saturday October 8th. Under the patronage of the former President of Iceland, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, the Arctic Circle Assembly is the largest annual international gathering on the Arctic bringing together officials, entrepreneurs, experts and indigenous representatives interested in Arctic issues.
10 October 2016
On Friday October 7th, theChinese-Icelandic Aurora Observatory (CIAO) was presented during a session at the 2016 Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavík, Iceland.
8 October 2016
Participants from over 40 countries at the Arctic Circle Assembly
The Arctic Circle Prize was awarded for the first time at the Arctic Circle Assembly on 8th October in Reykjavík’s Harpa Conference Center. Arctic Circle Chairman Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson (President of Iceland 1996-2016) awarded the Prize to Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, in recognition of his leadership in international climate diplomacy, which Mr. Grímsson described as “an act of extraordinary statesmanship, courage and vision” given political opposition at the time he took up his mandate.
7 October 2016
At the Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavik, the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has reaffirmed Scotland’s commitment to global leadership with £1 million to support developing countries tackle the challenge of climate change.
6 October 2016
The Arctic Circle Assembly 2016 - the 4th edition of the annual conference - started off with a great deal of fanfare in Reykjavik, Iceland on Thursday, October 6th.
30 September 2016
Delegates from 24 nations, the six Permamanent Participants to the Arctic Council and the European Union took part in the first ever White House Arctic Science Ministerial on September 28th in Washington DC.
29 September 2016
The recording of White House Arctic Science Ministerial Side-Event is now available
24 September 2016
Organized by the Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS), Arctic Portal, Woods Hole Research Center, Arctic 21, the PoLAR Partnership, and the EDU-ARCTIC consortium, the Consortium for Ocean Leadership, the Arctic Science Ministerial Side-Event will take place in Washington, th D.C. on the morning of September 27 at the ARCUS Washington DC office.
19 September 2016
Today, the Arctic Council celebrates the 20th anniversary!
18 September 2016
During the first UArctic Congress, top-level scientist in marine geology, oceanography and paleoceanography Prof Jörn Thiede from Saint Petersburg University (SPbU) presented the Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences.
15 September 2016
The latest data on Arctic sea ice extent suggests that 2016 might see the second lowest minimum extent, at least since satellites started observing Arctic sea ice extent in 1979.
10 September 2016
One of the less talked about consequences of climate change is the effect that climate warming has been having on permafrost – frozen soil with large amounts of ice mixed in that exists in the Arctic, sub-Arctic, Antarctic and mountainous regions of the world.
8 September 2016
The Committee of Ministers Report concerning the interests in the Arctic was presented at the University of Akureyri on September 8th.
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