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During the first UArctic Congress, top-level scientist in marine geology, oceanography and paleoceanography Prof Jörn Thiede from Saint Petersburg University (SPbU) presented the Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences.

Prof Thiede presented the encyclopedia during a ceremony attended by the Vice-Rector for Research Sergey Aplonov, the Director of the SPbU Research Library Marina Karpova, as well as Springer Scientific Journal Publishing Editor Margaret Deignan.

The Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences aims to provide comprehensive coverage (both critical and historical) of the ocean floor.

“The data have been collected for the last 50 years, which became possible thanks to the modern technologies in exploration of the ocean floor, research vessels in particular. In our endeavour to create a single database, however, we strived to cover all the data available," said Prof Thiede.

It took eight years to produce a carefully selected collection of articles written by leading scientists in the relevant fiels, said Prof Thiede, who is an editor of the encyclopedia and author of two articles. The book provides a helpful outline for researchers in oceanography as well as undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students along with those who have a degree in geology.

Prof Jörn Thiede is a top-level scientist in marine geology, oceanography and paleoceanography and the Director of the “Palaeogeography and Geomorphology of Polar Countries and the World Ocean” laboratory at SPbU. The laboratory has produced the first ever geomorphological atlas of Antarctica, which comprises new maps of subglacial-submarine relief and reveals how it is originated and developed.

At the UArctic Congress in SPbU, Prof Thiede said that he was planning to continue research of the ocean floor. He is currently preparing a publication about Wladimir Peter Köppen, a German-Russian scientist in paleography, meteorology, climatology and botany.

The editors of the Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences include: Jan Harff, Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Poland; Martin Meschede, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitaet zu Greifswald, Germany; and Sven Petersen, Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR), Germany.

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