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Arctic Portal News Portlet

2 April 2024

ArcticCircle BerlinForum2024The 2024 Arctic Circle Berlin Forum will be held 7-8 May 2024 at the Radialsystem Culture and Event Centre in Berlin, Germany. The Forum will explore the role of Science, Climate, Policies, and Europe in the future of the Arctic.

26 March 2024

IASC Bulletin 2024 cover

At the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) Council Meeting during Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW2024) in Edinburgh, IASC released its 2024 Bulletin, reporting on the IASC-supported activities over the past years.

25 March 2024

High North Hero 2024

The High North Center for Business and Governance has opened nominations for the High North Hero Award, created to honor a person or an organization that has contributed to highlighting the importance of the Arctic.

22 March 2024

Arctic Map Definition

The Arctic is experiencing rapid warming, significantly outpacing the global average. As climate change accelerates in the High North, understanding its complex dynamics becomes imperative. Yet, uncertainties loom over critical questions about Arctic wildfires, ice melt, permafrost thaw, and their implications for global climate systems.

21 March 2024

High North Young Entrepreneur Contest 2024

High North Center for Business and Governance has opened the nomination to the High North Young Entrepreneur Award 2024!

20 March 2024

Arctic Science Summit Week 2024 - ASSW 2024

The Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2024 starts tomorrow, Thursday March 21 st in Edinburgh in Scotland. The ASSW is organised annually by the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) to provide opportunities for coordination, cooperation and collaboration between the various scientific organisations involved in Arctic research.

15 March 2024

Raudasandur Mariska vand de VosseRauðasandur (Red Sand), nestled in the Westfjords of Iceland, is recognized as one of the finest beaches worldwide, by the known travel guide Lonely Planet. This secluded gem is graced on Europe's and the world's best beaches lists.

14 March 2024

Reindeer Iceland DistributionIn Iceland, the reindeer hunting quota for this year has been set at 800, a decrease from previous years, with a significant drop since 2019 when issued hunting licenses were for about 1450 animals. This year's increase in hunting license prices has not deterred the growing interest in hunting, with approximately 270 more applications compared to last year, in total applications for this year were for 3200 licenses.

8 March 2024

Internationa WomensDAY betriToday, March 8, marks the celebration of International Women's Day, a tradition that spans over a century. This year's theme, 'Invest in women: Accelerate progress,' underscores the vital call to action. On this significant occasion, the United Nations (UN Women) emphasizes the imperative of investing in women as the most effective solution to confront the escalating global crises.

7 March 2024

Arctic Portal Map: NATO members - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Today marks a significant turning point for Sweden as it officially joins the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), becoming the 32nd member of the alliance.

5 March 2024

Arctic Council 2024

On 28 February 2024, it was announced by the Arctic Council secretariat that a consensus was reached for the gradual resumption of official Working Group meetings in a virtual format.

27 February 2024

Nima Sarikhani - Ice Bed

British hobby photographer Nima Sarikhani secured the top spot in the 'People's Choice Award' category of the 'Wildlife Photographer of the Year' competition earlier this month. His winning shot, titled "Ice Bed," was taken during his expedition around Norway´s Svalbard archipelago and features a tranquil sleeping polar bear atop a glacier.

27 February 2024

China-Nordic Arctic Research Center - CNARC

SAVE THE DATE! - the 9th China – Nordic Arctic Cooperation (CNARC) Symposium will be held from 13 to 16 October 2024 in Iceland.

26 February 2024

Magma volcano  Increased risk level in updated risk assessment 

Updated news from the Icelandic Met Office February 26 at 16:10

20 February 2024

Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate, and  Jennifer  M.  Granholm , the United States' Secretary of Energy

Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate, and  Jennifer  M.  Granholm , the United States' Secretary of Energy, Friday, February 16th in Harpa announced the new cooperation between Iceland and the United States in the field of energy and climate.

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