News & Press Releases
18 December 2022
December 18
Hurðaskellir (Door-Slammer) is the seventh Yule Lad who comes to town on the night before the 18th of December and departs for home on the 31st of December. Door-Slammer was known to be the loudest one, slamming doors, especially during nighttime, waking people up in the process.
17 December 2022
December 17
Askasleikir (Bowl-Licker) is the sixth Yule Lad who comes to town on the night before the 17th of December and departs for home on the 30th of December. Bowl-Licker was known to hide under beds waiting for someone to put down their “askur,” (a plate used for all meals), which he then licked clean.
16 December 2022
Available for download: Posterguide in English and Sámi languages from the Reindeer Husbandry Conference 2022 in Guovdageainnu, Norway.
16 December 2022
December 16
Pottaskefill (Pot-Scraper) is the fifth Yule Lad who comes to town on the night before the 16th of December and departs for home on the 29th of December. Pot-Scraper was known to steal and scrape leftovers from pots and pans.
15 December 2022
December 15
Þvörusleikir (Spoon-Licker) is the fourth Yule Lad who comes to town on the night before the 15th of December and departs for home on the 28th of December. Spoon-Licker was known for being tall, thin, and for stealing þvörur (long wooden spoons) to lick them, hoping to taste something sweet.
14 December 2022
December 14
Stúfur (Stubby) is the third Yule lad who comes to town on the night before the 14th of December and departs for home on the 27th of December. Stubby was known for being unusually short and for stealing pans so he could eat the crust left on them.
13 December 2022
The journal Advances in Polar Science (APS) published the third issue of 2022 (Vol.33, No.3) in October, and can be downloaded for free from the website:
13 December 2022
December 13
Giljagaur (Gully Gawk) is the second Yule Lad who comes to town on the night before the 13th of December and departs for home on the 26th of December. Gully Gawk was known to hide in gullies waiting for an opportunity to sneak into cowshed and steal the froth of the milk buckets.
11 December 2022
It is that time of the year again. Christmas is approaching and that means the Yule lads are again on the prowl!
Our last year's coverage of their adventures and habits has received great attention. Thus, we decided that the Arctic Portal should honour them again with media coverage.
9 December 2022
75 years of French and German Arctic Research - On the occasion of the 100th birthday of legendary professor Jean Malaurie (Website -
Monday, December 12 th 2022 – 18-20 CET a seminar and get-together will be held at the French Embassy in Berlin, Wilhelmstrasse 69. The event is free to attend in person or online!
23 November 2022
The nuclear-powered icebreaker Yakutia, the fourth Project 22220 ship, was launched at Baltic Shipyard in St. Petersburg. President of Russia Vladimir Putin took part in the ceremony via videoconference.
18 November 2022
The original aim of the 2022 Arctic Yearbook, before the war started, was to explore, analyze, critique, and deepen our collective understanding of the Russian Arctic and its economy, politics and societies. As Russia was chairing the Arctic Council; as a coming oil, gas, and minerals boom was strengthening the Russian Arctic’s global influence; as pollution and climate change were reshaping the Arctic environment; and as Russian polities and peoples were demanding more attention and control, the editors saw it as critically important to collect open access, high quality, and informed studies on the Russian Arctic.
15 November 2022
Circumpolar scientific cooperation in the Arctic is more important than ever at present challenging geo-political situation. The main purpose of the Arctic expert-to-expert initiative is continued dialogue and exchange of knowledge between transdisciplinary Arctic experts of all nations.
This dialogue should proceed in people-to-people format (in compliance with and bearing in mind the current regulations), be cross-disciplinary and focus on topics of mutual importance, such as problems associated with climate change and sustainability of the Arctic regions and communities.
9 November 2022
On 8 November at the COP27 the COP27 Presidency announced the launch of Sharm-El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda in partnership with the High-Level Champions – a comprehensive, shared agenda to rally global action around 30 adaptation outcomes that are needed to address the adaptation gap and achieve a resilient world by 2030.
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