Arctic Circle

A discussion on arctic marine conservation cooperation will be held on May 24th, 3 PM GMT by the Arctic Circle and Co-hosted by the WWF Arctic Programme.


Starting with a brief introduction to ArcNet, speakers from diverse Arctic backgrounds will express their views on, and experiences with, marine conservation and conservation initiatives. The remainder of the session will be dedicated to facilitated exchanges between panel members and the audience.

Starting with a brief introduction to ArcNet, the session will let a number of invited participants from diverse Arctic backgrounds express their views on, and experiences with, marine conservation and conservation initiatives. The remainder of the session will be dedicated to facilitated exchanges between panel members and the audience.



  • Lauren Wenzel, Director, National Marine Protected Areas Center at the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • Barnie Aggark, Senior Executive Director, Foxe Basin Kivalliq North Sapujiyiit Society, Nunavut, Canada
  • Martin Sommerkorn, Head of Conservation WWF Arctic Programme
  • Lauren Divine, Director, Ecosystem Conservation Office at Aleut Community of St. Paul Island, Alaska


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Source: Arctic Circle

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