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Arctic Portal News Portlet

26 March 2013

Polar bear

This year's Arctic Science Summit Week will take place in Krakow, Poland. The ASSW will be held during the second week of April, 13th – 19th.

21 March 2013

Young researchers gathered yesterday at the University of Iceland

Yesterday, 20th of March, young researchers met at the University of Iceland in order to discuss and present their on-going research work. Friendly and informal meeting involved young engineers, natural and social scientists.

19 March 2013

Dr. B. Karlsson, Dr. H. Exner - Pirot and Dr. N. Loukacheva during the first session of Systems and Societies workshop.

Second day of ''The Trans – Arctic Agenda: Challenges of Development, Security and Cooperation'' has divided participants into three parallel sessions i.e. environment, economy, systems and societies.

19 March 2013

Northern Research Forum

The global climate change is by scientists predicted to have great environmental and socio-economic impacts in the whole Arctic as well as in northern Europe. There will be direct and indirect impacts on nature and on communities as well as uncertainties. In addition, global warming is predicted to accelerate off-shore oil and gas drilling in the Northern icy seas and open a new (global) sailing route from the North Atlantic Ocean through the Arctic Ocean to the eastern parts of the globe.

18 March 2013


Today, 18th of March 2013 a high-level seminar hosted by the Institute for International Affairs and Centre for Arctic Policy Studies, University of Iceland (IIA/CAPS), and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) – in cooperation with the Swedish and Icelandic Ministries for Foreign Affairs, starts in Reykjavik. The event will be held at Radisson Blu Hotel Saga.

15 March 2013

University of Iceland

On Monday, 18-19 March 2013 a high-level seminar hosted by the Institute for International Affairs and Centre for Arctic Policy Studies, University of Iceland (IIA/CAPS), and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) – in cooperation with the Swedish and Icelandic Ministries for Foreign Affairs. The event will be held at Radisson Blu Hotel Saga.

15 March 2013

The national flag of Iceland

Cooperation in a field of Arctic Studies between Iceland and Norway

Today, 15th of March 2013, there is a deadline for those who wish to apply for a Icelandic – Norwegian exchange scholarship.

11 March 2013

ship in the arctic

Today, 12th of March 2013, the 4th Polar Shipping Summit takes place in Montreal, Canada. The Polar Shipping Summit has been an annual even to summarize the past year of Polar navigation.

5 March 2013

Guardians map of Arctic Shipping

Ships should be able to sail directly over the north pole by the middle of this century, considerably reducing the costs of trade between Europe and China but posing new economic, strategic and environmental challenges for governments, according to scientists.

4 March 2013

Arktikum in Rovaniemi

Call for Papers and Conference announcement - Conference 'In the Spirit of Rovaniemi Process' 2-4 December 2013, Rovaniemi, Finland

28 February 2013

Oil tanker gets a refill

Oil giant Shell has put its controversial plans to drill for oil in Alaska on ice, at least for this year. The company had multiple problems with the two drilling platforms to be used for exploration.

25 February 2013

Port Tromso - Northern Norway

Students from the US, Canada and Russia have for five years been able to apply for scholarships for studies at seven universities and colleges in Northern Norway. In the program period for 2013-2016 also students from Japan and South Korea will have this opportunity.

22 February 2013

The president of Iceland visiting Xue Long, the Snow Dragon, in Iceland

The first China-Nordic Arctic Cooperation Symposium will be held in China this summer. The Polar Research Institute of China hosts the symposium in cooperation with the Icelandic Center for Research.

18 February 2013

Arctic Services area of interest

The Arctic Services marketing initiative was launched in Akureyri, Iceland on Friday. It is a "cooperative platform between companies and institutions in the north of Iceland to promote the region´s infrastructure and service capabilities, in view of the growing mining and exploration activities in the arctic region and the increased demand for professional services at our latitude."

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