News & Press Releases
31 July 2013
Five maritime engineering bachelor students of the Delft University of Technology produced a design for an Arctic modular towing supply vessel (AMTSV) as part of their minor on Arctic Engineering. In cooperation with Dutch shipyard Damen this has now culminated in an offering of a 100m double acting supply ship is capable of operating in the Barents Sea year round and in the Baffin Bay and Beaufort Sea for 8 months.
30 July 2013
Various actors to include both Arctic and non – Arctic states, have now recognized Greenland´s increasing presence in the rare earth field, according to economy analysts.
29 July 2013
We are excited to remind the agenda for the 2013 Arctic Energy Summit! It is filled with speakers who are leaders in the industry, academic, government and non-profit sectors around the world.
25 July 2013
The International Laboratory for the Multidisciplinary Comparative Study of Representations of the North, of the Université du Québec à Montréal, announces a call for papers for its 8th international conference, «Cold: Adaptation, Representations, Production, Effects», co-organized with the "Cultures, environments, Arctic, representations, climate" research centre of the Observatoire de Versailles Saint-Quentin (France), as part of a France-Québec cooperation project.
24 July 2013
NORDNET 2013, Cool Projects and Arctic Opportunities, the unique project managment event will take place in Reykjavik, Iceland, 3 – 5th September 2013.
23 July 2013
PAGE21 young researchers have continued their season of permafrost investigation in remote areas, located in the northern hemisphere.
22 July 2013
Norwegian Space Center stated last week that there might be a possibility to provide the high speed internet to the one of last places on Earth where it is still not available: the Arctic.
19 July 2013
Association of Early Career Scientists (APECS) encourages their members to apply for next elections to APECS Executive Committee that will be held in September 2013.
17 July 2013
Summer melt on Greenland ice sheet had slightly late start this summer but the surface has been now melting very quickly.
16 July 2013
Britt Bohlin, Governor of Jämtland, Sweden, will be the new Secretary General of the Nordic Council from the beginning of the new year. She will thus become the Council´s highest ranking official, working at the Secretariat in Copenhagen.
15 July 2013
"Few of us anglers will ever get to fish the storied Alta, but this charming report helps fill that void. Seven Nights on the Alta is truly a story of love – of man and rivers, of the noble Atlantic salmon, and ultimately of untrammeled nature. I promise, once you begin you will read it through, and think again about saving the salmon, and all those other rivers that enhance our lives."
12 July 2013
The conference Sámi Customary Rights in Modern Landscapes – Indigenous People and Nature Conservation will be held in Luleå, Sweden, 28-29 August 2013, with an optional excursion and workshop in Jokkmokk on the 30th of August.
11 July 2013
International Maritime Organization announced that the Arctic shipping code will be released and in use before 2016.
Arctic shipping code, regulating navigation in the high Arctic, where maritime traffic is expected to increase as the ice cap recedes, is due to be implemented in 2016 as confirmed by International Maritime Organization (IMO).
10 July 2013
Conference recognition of Sacred Sites of Indigenous Peoples for Sustaining Nature and Culture in Northern and Arctic Regions, will take place 11 – 13 September 2013 in Rovaniemi and Pyhä, Finland.
9 July 2013
A new Russian law is about to deprive significant areas in the northern part of the country their Arctic status. New rules of demarcation are being introduced for the region.
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