News & Press Releases
25 March 2014
Member institutions of UArctic were invited to partner with a joint UArctic stand at the 26th Annual EAIE Conference (European Association for International Education) in Prague, Sept 17–19, 2014.
24 March 2014
The proceedings of the 2013 Arctic Futures Symposium have been completed and are now available for download from the website of International Polar Foundation. Click here to download the proceedings.
21 March 2014
The Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF), the biodiversity Working Group of the Arctic Council, is seeking individuals and organizations to provide presentations, organize sessions and submit posters that will encourage a dialogue on Arctic biodiversity among scientists, indigenous peoples, policy makers, government officials, northerners and industry representatives at the Arctic Biodiversity Congress.
20 March 2014
Please note that, due to increased demand, and to better accommodate the large number of expected attendees, the dates for the second annual Arctic Circle Assembly have changed.
19 March 2014
The European Parliament, in the Plenary from the 12th of March took a note of the Kiruna Declaration of the Arctic Council from May 2013 and its decision on the permanent observer status for the EU as well as other state entities.
18 March 2014
The European Parliament (EP) has accepted in the Plenary 12th March 2014 a resolution on the EU strategy for the Arctic.
17 March 2014
Vladimir Vasiliev, NF Executive Director, and Halldor Johansson, Arctic Portal General Manager, have presented the Northern Forum and its new tool within the Arctic Portal for participants of the Arctic Business Summit in Rovaniemi.
12 March 2014
Thermokarst Aquatic ecosystems Workshop (THAW) is taking place in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
11 March 2014
The Arctic regions have become of bigger interest and matter in a global scale. Due to vast natural resources and melting of Arctic sea ice, the area is in many ways facing a new challenging era.
10 March 2014
Successful meetings of Northern Forum representatives and their Icelandic partners took place during the weekend 7th – 9th of March 2014.
7 March 2014
Norwegian fishing authorities demand compensation from Icelandic ones, claiming that they have not been able to catch their full quota for capelin in Icelandic waters.
6 March 2014
Yesterday, 5th of March, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate announced the great success of their iPhones/iPads App entitled Oil Facts.
5 March 2014
Proactive master and PhD students from different countries gathered in the Northern (Arctic) Federal University (Arkhangelsk) with aim to increase their knowledge on the Arctic issues, meet like-minded participants from the other countries and develop their leadership skills.
4 March 2014
On Wednesday, 5th of March in Hafnarfjörður, southern Iceland, the the Toronto-based theatre company Human Cargo will perform the play Night which explores issues facing Inuit in the Canadian Arctic.
3 March 2014
On Tuesday 25th February, at the University of Akureyri, Erik Franckx gave a concise speech for the „Law Forum" on „the Arctic and Mass media" to underline the importance of studying legal regimes and of doing research in the region.
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