News & Press Releases

Arctic Portal News Portlet

30 June 2015

Iceberg in East Greenland

Tomorrow, July 1st 2015, will be the deadline for submitting abstracts for the Polar Data Forum II, that will be held on October 27 - 29, 2015 in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. 

29 June 2015

Map on MPAa, EEZa, Outer limits of continental shelves in the Northeast Atlantic

OSPAR has released the following press release after the Commission meeting in in Oostende (Belgium), last 26 June. 

26 June 2015

International Permafrost Association

Arctic Portal has now launched the new website for the International Permafrost Association (IPA).

26 June 2015

Siberian Taiga

Evenk are an indigenous community in the republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in Russia's far east. As described by "The Red Book of the People of Russia"  "the Evenks inhabit a huge territory of the Siberian taiga from the River Ob in the west to the Okhotsk Sea in the east, and from the Arctic Ocean in the north, to Manchuria and Sakhalin in the south".

25 June 2015

Arctic Sea Ice.

The 2015 Sea Ice Outlook June Report is now available online. This June Outlook report was developed by lead authors, Cecilia Bitz (UW), Ed Blanchard-Wrigglesworth (UW), and Jim Overland (NOAA), with contributions from the rest of the SIPN leadership team, and with a section analyzing the model contributions by François Massonnet, Université catholique de Louvain and Catalan Institute of Climate Sciences.

23 June 2015

Lars Kullerud, President of UArctic

Today we share the letter by the UArctic's President, Lars Kullerud, on the foremost importance to maintain cooperation and keep an open dialogue in Arctic.

22 June 2015

Road in Iceland

Wednesday 24th of June 2015, the European Commission will host in Reykjavik the third stakeholder workshop on  further development of the EU's Arctic policy.

19 June 2015

Bríet Bjarnhéðinsdóttir - an early Icelandic advocate for women's liberation and women's suffrage

Today, 19th of June 2015, Iceland celebrates the 100th anniversary of women’ rights to vote, accorded to women over the age of 40 in 1915 (at this time men were allowed to vote by the age of 25).

18 June 2015

Kaunertal, Austria

The 9th I.A.G./A.I.G. SEDIBUD (Sediment Budgets in Cold Environments) Workshop Sediment Dynamics in Cold Climate Environments, will be held in Kaunertal, Tyrol/Austria, September 7-10, 2015

16 June 2015

ShellNo banner at Seacrest Park in West Seattle

Since the Obama Administration approved Shell's exploration plan for the Chukchi Sea off Alaska, in May 2015, protests against the Dutch company and the US government haven't stopped.

15 June 2015

Arctic landscape

It is now open the first Call-For-Abstracts for the session "Applications of Near Surface Geophysics in Periglacial Regions" at the AGU Fall Meeting 2015 in San Francisco (CA), which it will take place on December 14-18, 2015.

12 June 2015

Arctic Portal news

For immediate release
June 8, 2015

St. Andrews, NB — The Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) is very disappointed over the failure of the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (NASCO) to limit Greenland's salmon harvest to sustainable levels, during negotiations to set regulatory measures at meetings that took place June 2 to 5 in Goose Bay, Labrador.

11 June 2015

Dog in a snowy arctic

Governments, scientists, and society are increasingly recognizing the importance of data and proper data management.

10 June 2015

Arctic Shipping map

Two days ago, TASS, the specialized Russian news agency, has confirmed Russia's decision to develop the Northern Sea Route up to twenty times its current capacity within the next 15 years.

9 June 2015

Arctic Portal news

Early in the morning, a number of pilot whales was killed on the island of Vágar in the northwest of the Faroe Islands archipelago. Contrary to the common belief, this annual event taking place in Faroes, is not a festival nor a ritual. Indeed, pilot whales are taken any time of the year (but the majority between July and September), to provide food for the local population: the catches are not commercialized (although whale meat and blubber are occasionally available in the local supermarkets) but rather shared for free among the participants and local community.

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