ICSU World Data System

International Data Week (IDW) is organized by the Committee on Data (CODATA) and the World Data System (WDS) of the International Science Council (ISC), and the Research Data Alliance (RDA).

It brings together data scientists, researchers, industry leaders, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and data stewards from disciplines across the globe to explore how best to exploit the data revolution to improve science and society through data-driven discovery and innovation. IDW combines the RDA Plenary Meeting and SciDataCon.

The founding organizations wish for IDW to become a biennial meeting place for the global data community. We are therefore inviting proposals to host the third and fourth editions of this exciting event in September/October/November 2021 and 2023 respectively. Applications should be sent by email to all of the IDW founding organization representatives no later than 30 September 2019 in electronic format based on the details and template available in the IDW Guidelines document.

We envision IDW 2021 and 2023 as four-day events that integrate the activities of a SciDataCon international conference and an RDA Plenary Meeting. Each IDW is expected to include both research sessions and focussed working meetings, as well as broad plenary sessions of general interest.

Reports on SciDataCon 2018—part of International Data Week (IDW) 2018—held on 5–8 November and the first WDS International Data Repositories Day held on 9 November, both in Gaborone, Botswana can be found here:

Source: World Data System

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