Arctic Portal news

In the new article for the Polar Prediction Matters feedback platform, the authors Rick Thoman and Machiel Lamers report on the different perspectives presented by Europeans from different shipping sectors operating in Arctic waters.

Stakeholders were invited by the authors and their colleagues from the Polar Prediction Project's (PPP) Societal and Economic Research and Applications Task Team to the Open Session that was held on 18 April at the premises of the European Polar Board in The Hague, The Netherlands. How does a family-owned sailing venture make use of the currently available weather and ice information in Greenland waters? What does a ship master with long-year experience in Baltic Sea ice operations share about the reality of ice navigation? And how does modern bridge communication need to be re-organized to ensure safe decision-making? Observations and forecasts are just one piece of the puzzle as personal experience and non-environmental factors are playing additional important roles in polar maritime operations.

See the new PPM contribution here.

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