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31 January 2024

The thirteen Icelandic Yule Lads - Introduction

Unlike most other countries that only have one Santa Claus, Iceland has thirteen. They are called Jólasveinar (Yule Lads) and take turns visiting our children the 13 nights leading up to Christmas Eve.

31 January 2024

Stekkjastaur (Sheep-Cote_Clod) - Introduction

Stekkjastaur (Sheep-Cote-Clod) is the first Yule Lad who comes to town on the night before the 12th of December and also the first to depart for home on the 25th of December.

31 January 2024

Giljagaur (Gully Gawk) - Introduction

Giljagaur (Gully Gawk) is the second Yule Lad who comes to town on the night before the 13th of December and departs for home on the 26th of December.

31 January 2024

Stúfur (Stubby) - Introduction

Stúfur (Stubby) is the third Yule Lad who comes to town on the night before the 14th December and departs for home on the 27th of December.

31 January 2024

Þvörusleikir (Spoon-Licker) - Introduction

Þvörusleikir (Spoon-Licker) is the fourth Yule Lad who comes to town on the night before the 15th of December and departs for home on the 28th of December.

31 January 2024

Pottaskefill (Pot-Scraper) - Introduction

Pottaskefill (Pot-Scraper) is the fifth Yule Lad who comes to town on the night before the 16th of December and departs for home on the 29th of December.

31 January 2024

Askasleikir (Bowl-Licker) - Introduction

Askasleikir (Bowl-Licker) is the sixth Yule Lad who comes to town on the night before the 17th of December and departs for home on the 30th of December.

31 January 2024

Hurðaskellir (Door-Slammer) - Introduction

Hurðaskellir (Door-Slammer) is the seventh Yule Lad who comes to town on the night before the 18th of December and departs for home on the 31st of December.

31 January 2024

Skyrgámur (Skyr-Gobbler) - Introduction

Skyrgámur (Skyr-Gobbler) is the eight Yule Lad who comes to town on the night before the 19th of December and departs for home on the 1st of January.

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