News & Press Releases
24 November 2014
This month the International Maritime Organization (IMO), at the 94th session of its Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), adopted the mandatory International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code), and related amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) in order to make it mandatory.
21 November 2014
The team of PAGE21 WP 8 has just released PAGE21 - DOC – the PAGE21 Data Output Catalogue.
19 November 2014
The Future Arctic Energy Network(FAE) will be awarding one partial fee scholarship in 2015, for the graduate programmes offered by the Iceland School of Energy. The scholarship programme aims to attract outstanding students from a wide range of backgrounds, who have a common interest in energy related topics which are relevant to the Arctic.
18 November 2014
As much of future oil and gas development will happen in the Arctic, the links between the circumpolar North and the rest of our planet will further increase as well as the public impact of industrial development, not least on companies as well as states' reputations and most significantly on the populations which live in the Arctic.
14 November 2014
Five master's degree programs at the University of Lapland, Finland will be open for applications December 1, 2014 - January 31, 2015. The programs are Arctic Art and Design, Comparative Social Work, International and Comparative Law, Media Education, and Tourism, Culture and International Management. Studies start in Sept 2015.
13 November 2014
When Danes check their weather reports starting next autumn, they can thank cheap, Icelandic energy, rather than the weatherman himself, that the forecasts have become more accurate.
12 November 2014
The Arctic Yearbook was launched on October 31st 2014, during the Arctic Circle conference that took place in Reykjavik, the capital city of Iceland.
11 November 2014
Tomorrow, the 12th of November 2014, the 3rd PAGE21 General Assembly will take place in Twente, The Netherlands at the conference hall of "Landgoedhotel De Wilmersberg".
5 November 2014
Yesterday, the Northern Forum´s Regional Coordinators Committee Business Meeting took place.
27 October 2014
Last week environmentalists called on the eight Arctic nations of the Arctic Council to enact a ten-year moratorium on any increase in Arctic shipping to protect endangered beluga whales from the threat of growing ship traffic in their habitat.
24 October 2014
The Centre for Arctic Policy Studies at the University of Iceland (CAPS) is organizing a high-level seminar on Arctic issues, scheduled to take place in Reykjavik, Iceland on 29 October 2014.
17 October 2014
There are two weeks left before the opening reception of the second Assembly of the Arctic Circle, which will be held October 31 – November 2 in Reykjavík, Iceland. An updated version of the full program is now available here.
15 October 2014
The most recent research shows that the thaw of the Greenlandic ice cap is being slowed down by a subglacial plumbing system.
14 October 2014
The second international Polar Climate and Environmental Change in the Last Millennium will take place in Torun, Poland 24 – 26 of August 2015.
10 October 2014
Since the Stockholm Convention came into effect in 2004, banning persistent organic pollutants, the concentration of these pollutants has declined by up to 90%.
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