Arctic Portal news

New networking mechanism, promoting cooperation between science, youth associations, non-profit organizations, business and authorities, has been established for the benefit of development of northern regions in Russia.

The cooperation called “Center for Problems of the North, Arctic and Cross-border Cooperation”, “North-Centre”, was established by Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Science and International Public Youth Movement “Association AWARD”. The project is intended to unite the efforts of science in the area.

Igor Shevchuk will be heading the project. Mr. Shevchuk is the foreign relations officer of the Karelian Research Center of RAS. Other members include, Alexander Titov, President of the Karelian Research Center of RAS, Corresponding Member of RAS, Chairman, Elena Antoshko, Head of the International Public Youth Movement "Association AWARD and Alexander Yuriev, Executive Director of the Association "Council of Municipalities, Republic of Karelia"

The Karelian Research center is establishing a web page for the project and it will be located at

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