Looking North: The UK and the Arctic. The United Kingdom's Arctic Policy Framework

The UK published the 9th of February 2023 a new Policy paper on the Arctic, Looking North: The UK and the Arctic. The United Kingdom’s Arctic Policy Framework, stating: The Arctic matters to the United Kingdom.

We are not an Arctic State, but as the nearest neighbour to the region, the Arctic is critical for UK interests, most notably in respect of our future climate and security. The UK fully respects the sovereign rights of the eight Arctic States and Indigenous people of the region, and is keen to play its part in ensuring the region remains peaceful.

The Arctic matters to the United Kingdom. We are not an Arctic State, but as the nearest neighbour to the region, the Arctic is critical for UK interests, most notably in respect of our future climate and security. The UK fully respects the sovereign rights of the eight Arctic States and Indigenous people of the region, and is keen to play its part in ensuring the region remains peaceful.

The UK published its first Arctic Policy Framework in 2013. ‘Adapting to Change’ set out the UK’s approach towards the Arctic, based upon three principles of respect, cooperation, and appropriate leadership. These principles endured through the UK’s updated policy framework that was published in 2018, ‘Beyond the Ice’.

Looking North continues to be guided by these principles as we refresh the UK’s approach to the Arctic in response to observed geopolitical, climatic, and environmental changes, both across the Arctic and in the UK. This latest policy framework brings together all the UK’s policies and strategies relevant to the Arctic under a single, integrated framework. It outlines the full range of UK interests in the region, and sets out the long-term priorities and objectives which shape our engagement and actions on the Arctic. Our approach will remain dynamic and responsive to changes in the region and across the globe.

Through this new framework, the UK will take a whole-of-government approach to the Arctic. Drawing on the diplomatic excellence of our Diplomatic Missions across the region, the defence capabilities of the UK’s Armed Forces, and the world-class scientific expertise of the UK Arctic research community, we will work with our partners and Allies to help maintain the Arctic as a place that is safe, secure, peaceful, and well-governed, protecting its environment and the communities who call the Arctic their home.

Read the full paper

Source: gov.uk

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