Routledge Taylor & Francis Group

Supply сhain operations in the Arctic: A multiple-perspective approach towards sustainable development




This book seeks to provide state-of-the-art research on real-life practices and applications of supply chain and operations management in the Arctic regions. Today, owing to the fact that different contextual factors of the Arctic regions are converging, the integration of supply chain activities is deemed vital for the purpose of enhancing Arctic sustainability. That said, the selected chapters will highlight aspects of sustainability within supply chain operations that take a particular value in remote areas with sparse transportation networks in the Arctic regions, either due to their theoretical contributions or because they report new empirical evidence. The chapters will also address questions about the challenges and unintended consequences of implementing sustainability principles in Arctic supply chains.

The need for this book has emerged due to the fact the building of supply chain sustainability can no longer be neglected in the Arctic regions, as it is one of the most essential ways for further industrial and social development. This is further aggravated by the considerable lack of attention to social responsibility in supply chain operations. As pinpointed by many scholars (Seuring and Müller, 2008; Wu and Pagell, 2011; Beske, 2012; Sarkis, 2012; Ahi and Searcy, 2015; Mani et al., 2016; Tsvetkova, 2020), the social aspect has received scarce attention over time, while research on the environmental dimension has, on the contrary, skyrocketed (Gurtu et al., 2015). Unsurprisingly, this has raised significant challenges in measuring advances in sustainable supply chain management (SCM) practices (Davidson, 2011). The contributors will therefore be prompted to emphasize the role of social responsibility in supply chain operations in real practice. This research is deemed worth conducting in that it reveals how social responsibility principles evolve in the Arctic existing SCM practice and enables supply chains to contribute to the needs of local communities in terms of the values of the society (Tsvetkova, 2020). We expect this to be the primary contribution of this book.

As the Editors of this forthcoming book, we invite scholars and professionals to contribute chapters for incorporation in the present book geared towards shedding light upon diverse aspects of supply chain operations that help implement socially sustainable principles. We hope this book will prompt the contributing authors to simultaneously address the relevant management theories, existing regulations, and current business practices to explore and present the real-life supply chain challenges and practices related to various aspects of the Arctic region development in a sustainable way.


Target audience

Comprising chapters (conceptual, theoretical, or empirical articles) by contributors from varied backgrounds, this edited volume is calibrated to bring together a unique blend of scholarly research and professional practice on the Arctic by focusing on the nexus of human actions, economic and social processes in the Arctic. The book will have an international appeal since its geographical coverage goes far beyond the Norwegian context to include those of Russia, Finland, Canada and the USA, to name just a few. Captivating and instructive, it is expected to be of great interest for all readers, keeping an eye on supply chain operations and sustainability in the Arctic, including but not limited to policymakers, industry practitioners, as well as scholars and students at varying levels.


Topic for submission

This book tends to advance our understanding of the Arctic supply chain operations. We strongly believe that it is essential for the academic community to continue thought-provoking empirical and theoretical work concerning socio-economic development in the Arctic regions. We, therefore, appreciate every chapter whose authors make an assiduous endeavor to deal with the crucial aspects of socially sustainable development in the Arctic. That said, possible themes that could be addressed in submissions to the forthcoming book encapsulate but are not circumscribed by the following:

  • Arctic shipping
  • Sustainable supply chain management
  • Supply chain resilience
  • Social responsibility practice
  • Winter icy roads (e.g, zimnik)
  • Arctic social issues and indigenous people
  • Tourism
  • Energy ecosystems
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Green supply chains

Noteworthy, the research themes above are only indicative. Chapters outside these areas with relevance to gaining a clearer understanding of supply chain operations in the Arctic that include socially sustainable practices are also welcome.


Scope of this call for papers

We warmly invite authors to contribute with chapters through the application of cutting-edge theoretical perspectives within social and management science, as well as relevant empirical research. We are primarily interested in qualitative in-depth case studies of real-life business practices and experiences in different Arctic regions. Phenomenological studies, pieces of ethnographic research and narratives are particularly welcome as they all assist in creating a deeper meaning of people's lived experience and exploring people’s actions and day-to-day routines in Arctic supply chains. Alongside the case-studies mentioned above, systematic reviews, policy and practice reviews, data reports, as well as research reports, will also be of great interest to the book.


Submission precedures & important dates

At this stage, we kindly ask potential contributors to provide us with:

  • The title of the proposed chapter;
  • Names and affiliations of all authors;
  • An abstract of appr. 200-400 words clearly explaining the area of focus, objective, and content of the proposed chapter.

Please send your abstract to before or on August 10, 2021. We are committed to the following schedule:

  • Abstract Submission: August 10, 2021
  • Notification of Acceptance: August 15, 2021
  • First Draft Due: November 15, 2021
  • First Peer Review Completed: December 20, 2021
  • Second Draft Due: February 21, 2022
  • Second Peer Review Completed: March 14, 2022
  • Final Chapter Due: May 03, 2022
  • Final Acceptance Notification: May 23, 2022

It is anticipated that the book will be released in Fall 2022.


About the Publisher

The book is scheduled to be published by Routledge, the world's leading academic publisher in the Humanities and Social Sciences. They publish thousands of books and journals each year, serving scholars, instructors, and professional communities worldwide. Their current publishing program encompasses groundbreaking textbooks and premier, peer-reviewed research in the Social Sciences, Humanities, Built Environment, Education and Behavioral Sciences. They have partnered with many of the most influential societies and academic bodies to publish their journals and book series. Readers can access tens of thousands of print and e-books from their extensive catalog of titles. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit It should be noted here that Routledge is ranked highest (that is, a Level 2 publisher) by Norwegian Centre for Research Data (NSD).


Additional instructions

Submitted chapters should be written in good English to be fully considered. The submitted chapters will go through the usual double-blind review process. There are no submission or acceptance fees for chapters submitted to this book publication. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this book.

Contributors should note that all chapters submitted should be original and should not have been submitted anywhere else for consideration for publication. Authors are responsible for obtaining written permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources.

If you have any queries about the book or the submission process, please do not hesitate to contact the Editors.



  • Ahi, P. and Searcy, C. (2015), “Measuring social issues in sustainable supply chains”, Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 19, Issue 1, pp.33-45.
  • Beske, P. (2012), “Dynamic capabilities and sustainable supply chain management”, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 42, Issue 4, pp.372-387.
  • Davidson, K.M. (2011), “Reporting systems for sustainability: what are they measuring?”, Social Indicators Research, Vol. 100, Issue 2, pp.351-365.
  • Gurtu, A., Searcy, C. and Jaber, M.Y. (2015), “An analysis of keywords used in the literature on green supply chain management”, Management Research Review, Vol. 38, pp.166–194.
  • Mani, V., Agarwal, R., Gunasekaran, A., Papadopoulos, T., Dubey, R. and Childe, S.J. (2016), “Social sustainability in the supply chain: construct development and measurement validation”, Ecological Indicators, Vol. 71, pp.270-279.
  • Sarkis, J. (2012), “Models for compassionate operations”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.139, Issue 2, pp.359-365.
  • Seuring, S. and Müller, M. (2008), “From a literature review to a conceptual framework for sustainable supply chain management”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 16, pp.1699-1710.
  • Tsvetkova, A. (2020), “Social Responsibility Practice of the Evolving Nature in the Sustainable Development of Arctic Maritime Operations”, in E. Pongrácz, V. Pavlov and N. Hänninen (Eds.) In Search of Arctic marine sustainability: Arctic maritime businesses and the resilience of the marine environment, Springer: Polar Sciences, pp.119-144.
  • Wu, Z. and Pagell, M. (2011), “Balancing priorities: decision-making in sustainable supply chain management”, Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 29, pp.577-590.

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