RV Xuelong on the third CHINARE cruise (Arctic Ocean)

The journal Advances in Polar Science (APS) is now open for article submissions for the upcoming special issue “Sino-Finnish Cooperation on Cryosphere and Climatology in Polar and Sub-polar Regions” to be published in December 2021. Contributions are sincerely invited!

The year 2020 marked the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Finland. Long-term sustainable and pragmatic scientific and technological cooperation on the cryosphere and climatology in polar and sub-polar regions began in the 1980s. After the year 2000, the cooperation was expanded to the processes of lake ice, glaciers and ice sheets, snow cover, atmosphere, and climatology in the polar regions. Recently, China and Finland have jointly completed the design of the research vessel "Xuelong2", which came into service in 2019, one of the most advanced polar research vessels in the world supporting the Chinese National Antarctic and Arctic Research Expeditions (CHINARE).

The special issue is to be published to celebrate the great achievements by Chinese and Finnish scientist in the field of cryosphere and climatology in high latitudes. Its topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Review of Sino- Finnish cryosphere and climate cooperation
  • Physical and ecological processes of sea ice and lake ice in polar and sub-polar regions
  • Climate change and atmospheric processes in polar and sub-polar regions
  • Glaciers and ice sheets
  • Sea ice engineering in cold regions
  • Shipping in ice-covered waters

APS is pleased to announce that Prof. Matti Leppäranta from the University of Helsinki, Prof. Timo Vihma and Dr. Bin Cheng from the Finnish Meteorological Institute, and Dr. Ruibo Lei from the Polar Research Institute of China have been invited as guest editors to organize this special issue. The issue will be released in December 2021 as a general issue (Vol. 32, No. 4).

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 15 May 2021.

Length Limit: The limit extension of 15 pages (about 10000 words) for each paper.

Those interested in submitting an article to the special issue are kindly requested to register their interest as soon as possible with the Editorial Office () including a tentative title and the name of all possible co-authors.

The submitted manuscripts will be subject to a full peer-review process (through the Editorial Office and the ScholarOne Manuscripts online system).

The Journal Advances in Polar Science (APS) is an international, peer-reviewed and open-access journal sponsored by the Polar Research Institute of China (PRIC) and Chinese Society for Oceanography. Since 2015, APS has become more truly international and been improving, with its inclusion in Scopus in May of 2020, with the appointments of two new Co-Editors-in-Chief (Dr. Huigen Yang and Dr. Ian Allison), and a new expert team of disciplinary editors.

Articles published in APS are free of charge due to generous funding from PRIC.


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