YOPP Icepot

The Icepot is a series of podcasts about polar science and the people managed and produced by Kirstin Werner and Sara Pasqualetto from the International Coordination Office of the Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP). The IcePod is the official YOPP Podcast and will feature people involved in MOSAiC, the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of ArctiClimate.

The fourth episode was published on April 16 on remote sensing. The sea-ice physicist Gunnar Spreen from the University of Bremen is on the MOSAiC sea-ice drift and explains to the listener "how microwaves help him to figure out the season's maximum sea-ice extent and why a carpenter is needed to help scientists fix their broken instruments."

To read more about it please visit the Polar Prediction news.

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