EU Polarnet

Main topics of the May 2017 EU-PolarNet newsletter

What are key priorities for polar research? - Online survey

EU-PolarNet has launched its 2nd public online consultation with one single question at its core: "What are the most important topics in relation to your work and/or everyday life in the Polar Regions that should be solved by future research?" What is your answer?

Entering the next round - EU-PolarNet's third General Assembly

The consortium held its third General Assembly - but not on its own. This year we invited representatives from EU funded polar projects and the Sustained Arctic Observing System to discuss how we can cooperate better in future. And we also had a special guest... Find out who!

Research needs on the Arctic cryosphere and adaptation options

For the third time AMAP and EU-PolarNet jointly hosted an international stakeholder workshop - this time in association with the AMAP-organized International Conference on Arctic Science: Bringing Knowledge to Action. Learn more about the outcomes.

EU-PolarNet's first policy briefing

Themed "Breaking records: How high temperatures in the Arctic affect European society" the lunchtime policy briefing sets out to give policy makers an overview of the state-of-the-art research on abnormal temperatures in the Arctic and their consequences for Europe. Want to join?

Stakeholder engagement and interdisciplinary science

The 9th International Congress of Arctic Social Science takes place in Umeå, Sweden, this year and EU-PolarNet is on board with two sessions on stakeholder engagement and interdisciplinary science. What exactly the sessions are about

A short introduction to the European Polar Board

The European Polar Board (EPB) is an independent organisation that focuses on major European strategic priorities in both the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Read how the EPB works together with EU-PolarNet, about its strategy and ongoing activities.

Good reads: New reports on the state of the Arctic

The Arctic Council's Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) and the biodiversity working group of the Arctic Council, Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) have published two new reports on the state of the Arctic. Learn more about them.

Upcoming conferences and events

We have listed some upcoming polar conferences, from the 9th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences, to the XIIth SCAR Biology Symposium and Depths and Surfaces: Understanding the Antarctic Region through the Humanities and Social Sciences. Have a look at more upcoming conferences

The entire newsletter

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