Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna

A new report „The State of the Arctic Marine Biodiversity Report“ (SAMBR) has been released by the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF), the biodiversity working group of the Arctic Council.

This Report identifies trends in key marine species and points to important gaps in biodiversity monitoring efforts across key ecosystem components in: sea ice biota, plankton, benthos, marine fishes, seabirds and marine mammals.

Changes in these species are likely to indicate changes in the overall marine environment. The report found that changing food availability, loss of ice habitat, increases in contagious diseases, and the impending invasion of southern species are taking their toll on Arctic marine animals, and pointing to an ecosystem on the verge of a major shift.

The SAMBR provides a status on Arctic biodiversity monitoring, identifying gaps in monitoring activities and a status on where those activities are taking place.

The report provides advice to improve Arctic biodiversity monitoring activities to provide scientific information to policy makers more quickly. These include better coordination, standardisation of methods, improved consideration of Traditional and Local Knowledge, and attention to filling key information gaps.

The report and further information can be found here:

Read the CAFF press release

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