Week of the Arctic

Fairbanks and Anchorage, are celebrating the Week of the Arctic, sharing stories and best practices, and cultivating relationships that will last well into future chairmanships of the Arctic Council.

The 2-year U.S. Chairmanship of the Arctic Council (2015–2017) has been an exciting time for Alaska to be at the forefront of American foreign policy. Representatives from more than 15 nations have met in Alaska thus far, including a U.S. Presidential visit in August 2015. The Alaska Arctic Council Host Committee has coordinated a wide variety of activities that elevate Alaskan perspectives and priorities during this time.

Especially important during the U.S. Chairmanship is the need to share the reality of lives and livelihoods in Alaska with visiting international delegations and a broader domestic audience, providing a rich tapestry of challenge and opportunity, economic and community development.

Adding a focused public outreach effort in Fairbanks, Anchorage and across the state, at the conclusion of the Chairmanship of the Arctic Council, is an effective way to educate and engage Alaskans and communicate to those outside Alaska the stories of those who live here.

Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting

The Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting in Fairbanks, May 2017, provides an amazing opportunity to showcase the city and state. The Ministerial in Fairbanks will highlight science and policy in important ways, at the same time the 20th Anniversary of the Arctic Council is celebrated.

Following the Ministerial Meeting, the Host Committee will also host events in Anchorage, where a larger population with corporate, agency, and organization offices provides opportunities for communicating Alaska as an Arctic state and strengthening our relationships with other Arctic residents. This will help draw media attention on the Ministerial to other unique Alaskan activities, and Alaska can highlight that it remains an Arctic state even past the end of the U.S. Chairmanship, including as a partner with incoming Chair Finland and other Arctic countries.

Host Committee goals

  • Maximize public awareness and engagement, at a community or resident level
  • Convey outcomes of U.S. Chairmanship to Alaskan and U.S. audience
  • Attract appropriate, wide and diverse media attention
  • Advance Alaska interests in the Arctic
  • Ensure a lasting framework for Alaska participation in Arctic events

For more information, please contact Nils Andreassen, Secretariat of the Host Committee via the Institute of the North.

Week of the Arctic Program

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