Arctic Yearbook 2016 - The Arctic Council

The Arctic Yearbook, a 450-page volume designed and hosted by the Arctic Portal, has been launched on October 28.

The Arctic Yearbook is an international and interdisciplinary peer-reviewed publication which focuses on Arctic issues such as local governance in Arctic regions, indigenous people, international cooperation (Arctic council as an institution), geopolitics and security, research, global issues.

This year the Arctic Yaerbook is devoted to the 20th anniversary of the Arctic Council and contains articles on the role of indigenous people in the decision-making process of the Arctic council, media perceptions of the Arctic Council and the place of non-Arctic actors in the Arctic council.

The material for the Yaerbook is obtained through the open call of papers. The volume is published online to ensure wide distribution and accessibility to a variety of stakeholders & observers. It is available under limited copyright protection agreement: readers may download, distribute, photocopy, cite or use an excerpt from the Arctic Yearbook material provided it is properly and fully credited and not used for commercial purposes.

The Arctic Yearbook is the outcome of the Northern Research Forum and the University of the Arctic Thematic Network (TN) on Geopolitics and Security. It has been published every year since 2011.

The Arctic Portal has hosted the Arctic Yearbook website since the first edition was released in 2012.

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