Mikhail Pogodaev, Acting Executive Director of the Northern Forum

The Northern Forum 12th General Assembly will take place in Yakutsk, November 4-6, 2015.

Today we witness rapid changes that occur Worldwide and modern trends of change inevitably affect the Arctic. Global challenges require joint and indeed global solutions - and global community is built upon nothing, but smaller localities, or regions. This is why Local dimension of the global affairs is vital; it is the Local response to the global challenges that builds up an international trend and affects life of all nations concerned.
Therefore the main goal for the 2015 Northern Forum General Assembly is to discuss and outline main perspectives and challenges for interregional cooperation in the changing World realities, all aimed to a same goal - to maintain and achieve new heights in making the North a convenient, friendly and safe place to live.

General discussions of the 12th General Assembly will be held on following topics:

  1. Role of the Northern Subnationals in the changing World – new opportunities and challenges
  2. Positive life strategies in the Northern population
  3. Forms and Mechanisms of Business cooperation within the Northern Forum
  4. Regional strategies for Climate Change Adaptation
  5. Infrastructure in the North
  6. Enhancing traditional livelihoods, preservation of indigenous peoples' traditional knowledge on food culture

The General Assembly is attended by Governors and representatives of the Northern Forum member regions from State of Alaska (USA), Sakha Republic, Khanty-Mansiyskiy AO, Yamalo-Nenetskiy AO, Chukotskiy AO (Russia), Kamchatskiy Kray; Town of Akureyri (Iceland), Gangwon Province (Republic of Korea), Lapland (Finland); business partners, project coordinators and participants. Representatives from other regions, the Arctic Council observer organizations, other international organizations and Arctic business circles are also invited to the event.
By results of General Assembly, Resolutions accepting the new Chairman, members of the Board of Governors and Officers will be approved, along with the 2016-2017 Workplan and budget, new programs, projects and finally – the Yakutsk Declaration as a strategic document, setting main priorities for development of the organization.

More information, Agenda & registration here.

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