The Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS) is hosting an information webinar entitled "ICARP III: Integrating Arctic Research: a Roadmap for the Future."

This event is scheduled for Wednesday, 18 February 2015 and is open to anyone interested in learning more about the 3rd International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP III). ICARP III aims at engaging all partners in shaping the future of Arctic research needs. Throughout the open process, the Arctic community has contributed to the overall objectives. The goal of the webinar is to synthesize the ICARP III efforts and develop a sense of understanding on the project. Presenters include Dr. Volker Rachold (Executive Secretary of IASC), who will address the planning process and activities leading up to the ISAR-4 and ICARP III Symposium at the Arctic Science Summit week 2015; and Dr. Larry Hinzman (Director of IARC) who will discuss implications and value of ICARP III to the broader science community, stakeholders, and the public. ARCUS is an ICARP III Steering Committee member, offering support for outreach to the public, education, and science communities. Instructions for joining the webinar will be sent after completing the registration form.

To register, click here.

For further information about ICARP, click here.

For further information, please contact:

Sarah Bartholow, ICARP III Steering Committee Member
Email: <mailto:>

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