Iceberg in arctic waters

Arctic Portal will promote the participation of young researchers, students, PhD students, future generation of experts on the Arctic, into the debate on Arctic issues.

A new section on the Arctic Portal homepage, „ Arctic Features/Arctic Future", will publish once a week the best article written by a young researcher.

It will be also promoted through our social media, as our Facebook page and Twitter. To help foster visibility of the young authors, the Arctic Portal will give the possibility for authors to show their contact/information.

Arctic Portal is interested in topics such as:

  • Arctic Shipping
  • Arctic Governance
  • Arctic Fishing
  • Arctic Energy
  • Climate Change
  • Indigenous Peoples, Human Rights
  • EU in the Arctic
  • Asian States in the Arctic

Articles should be max. 1500 words. Pictures, graphs and maps (you can check and use our interactive data maps here) are appreaciated.

Please, send your proposal to .

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When quoting, reusing or copying any material on the or any of its sub-sites including but not limiting to: information, news, articles, data, maps or images, in part or in full, a citation stating the origin and a hyperlink to is required.