Arctic Twilight Pastels

The University of Greenland (Ilisimatusarfik) is hosting an exhibition of pastel paintings by Jean Malaurie from 2 May to 30 June 2023.

The exhibition has been organised in conjunction with the Malaurie Institute of Arctic Research Monaco UVSQ. The Rector of the University of Greenland, Gitte Adler Reimer, and the President of the Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ), Alain Bui, will open the event on 2 May. 

Jean Malaurie's pastel paintings recall his many travels in the Arctic. The most striking of these paintings is no doubt the magnificent Thule mountain in Greenland, a place well documented by Jean Malaurie in his works and perhaps the most defining in Malaurie's career.


Image: Jean Malaurie