When: 13th April 2022 11:30am - 01:00pm ET

Russia’s war is devastating the people and economy of Ukraine, but also sending shockwaves through global systems for natural resources like food, oil and natural gas, and critical minerals. Together, Russia and Ukraine—sometimes referred to as the breadbasket of Europe—account for 29% of global wheat exports, 80% of the world’s sunflower oil, and 40% of its barley. Before the war, Russia provided around 10% of the global supply of oil and just last year, 40% of Europe’s gas came from Russia. And while oil dominates the headlines, the disruption of another resource abundant in the region—critical minerals—has implications for how the United States and its allies respond to interrupted supply chains.

While the biggest impacts of the conflict will continue to be felt by Ukrainians and Russians, the secondary effects on global food and energy systems could be substantial. It’s only by looking at these natural resource systems together that we can truly understand the compounding effect of the conflict on global supply chains. Please join the Wilson Center for a panel discussion with experts to help unpack these complicated systems and explore how policymakers can respond now to head off the worst future outcomes.

Follow the conversation on Twitter @NewSecurityBeat. Find related coverage of these issues on our blog, NewSecurityBeat.org.


  • Hon. Sharon Burke - Founder and President, Ecospherics; Global Fellow, Wilson Center; former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy
  • Bram Govaerts - Director General, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
  • Emily King - Founder, Prospector; Chief Innovation Officer, Analog Gold


  • Lauren Herzer Risi - Program Director, Environmental Change and Security Program, Wilson Center


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