When: 22 April 2022, 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM (CET)

About the event

Global gas pricing volatility in the last two years and the continuing spike post winter 21, has dominated the headlines recently. We have seen extreme examples of gas pricing hike in Europe, Asia, and USA, we want to learn what factors have influenced this and how does this impact markets in the short, -medium, and long term.

Recent reports suggest that the exceptionally high gas prices are likely to have an impact in both mature and emerging gas importing markets going forward.

Key discussion points:

  • Global gas pricing trends – mapping volatility in the last 12 months
  • Asian spot prices – what factors are influencing it?
  • Will high prices continue or is the market getting more cautious?
  • European gas pricing trends over the last 12 months & the outlook for next 12 months: what is pushing up prices and why?
  • Medium-and long-term gas price drivers - what will impact these prices, will the highs continue or revert back to normal?


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