World Ocean Council


WOC Partners with “World Conference on Floating Solutions” (Rotterdam, 6-8 Oct); Abstracts Accepted Until 6 March

26 February 2020

The World Conference on Floating Solutions 2020 in Rotterdam on 6-8 October will bring together industry, policymakers, entrepreneurs and researchers around the future of structures for offshore and inland waters in the context of sustainable development.

The event will:

  • Disseminate state-of-the-art knowledge about floating development.
  • Raise awareness of sustainable use of inland/open waters through floating structures as a climate-adaptive measure for urban and offshore development.
  • Foster multidisciplinary and international collaboration to improve the collective understanding of floating solutions.
  • Establish a community of practice and take stock of emerging approaches in floating innovation.
  • Identify knowledge gaps and share insights regarding the sustainable expansion of coastal cities on water.

The call for abstracts is open until 6 March 2020 to professionals globally from all sectors with a shared interest and vision in floating development, e.g. civil engineering, naval architecture, architectural design and engineering, maritime law/regulation, governance, sustainable urban development and planning, real estate development, circular economy and innovative monitoring.

Abstracts are welcomed in the following fields:

  • Business Case & Real Estate Development: Low-cost solutions & affordability; Business case development; Real estate development; Blue economy; Circular economy; Insurance
  • Spatial Planning & Architecture: Maritime spatial planning; Urban planning & development; Architecture design & engineering
  • Food & Energy Production: Food production; Energy production
  • Ecological Impact & Nature Based Solutions: Ecological & environmental impact; Nature-based solutions; Environmental management
  • Governance & Social Impact: Policy & Governance; Legislation & regulation; Certification & classification; Social impact & responsibilities; Awareness & acceptance
  • Design & Engineering of (Infra)Structures: Design & Engineering of VLFS; Installation, operation, monitoring & maintenance; Materials & technology; Infrastructure; Transportation & logistics

Recent and Upcoming WOC Outreach and Engagement

11-12 March, COPENHAGEN
Green Ship Technology (GST) Europe 2020 (Supporting Organization)

17-19 March, ANTWERP
IAPH World Ports Conference 2020 (Supporting Organization)

24-25 March, HAMBURG
3rd Green Maritime Forum (Partner)

23 March-3 April, NEW YORK
U.N. Law of the Sea, BBNJ Treaty – 4th (Final) Negotiation Session on the international, legally binding instrument under the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea re the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) (Industry Representative)

31 March-2 April, STAMFORD, USA
CMA Shipping 2020 (Plenary Speaker on Law of the Sea/BBNJ Treaty)

21 April, BRUSSELS
4th Meeting of the EU Marine Knowledge Expert Group (Participant)


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