UArctic’s annual Shared Voices Magazine highlights key activities of the network and provides insight into the various issues that our members and partners collaborate on within the Circumpolar North.

Climate change is a major concern for the people of the Arctic. Many feel that the future is uncertain, and that responses on the societal, political and economic levels are happening too slowly. The global movement demands action, and people are also increasingly using their climate anxiety as fuel, converting their worry into actions of their own. It is not only the big systemic changes that matter but also the things we do and the choices we make daily in our own sphere of influence.

To show how our network is taking initiative, we have chosen Climate Actions as the theme of the 2020 issue of Shared Voices. We now call for article proposals around this topic from our member institutions and Thematic Networks. We invite you to share your responses to problems big and small, especially those that you have witnessed or believe to have an effect, and that you would like others to take up around the Arctic and the world. These can be broader organizational efforts, personal and individual actions, concrete examples from the grassroots level, stories of change and perseverance – anything you feel is inspirational, encouraging and thought-provoking.

Possible topics to consider:

  • What climate actions is your institution/network taking, and to what effect?
  • What climate actions are your local student organizations taking, and to what effect?
  • Research as climate action
  • Perspectives from traditional knowledge
  • Inconvenient but necessary actions
  • Community action, collective engagement, collaboration for impact
  • Local actions by youth
  • What makes people take action? What prevents us from taking action?
  • How are you inspiring others to take action? How are you leading the way?
  • How are you raising awareness, and spreading knowledge and hope? How are you influencing people and your surroundings?
  • Solutions for sustainable everyday life

A short description of the article content (max 100 words) is sufficient at this stage. The final articles should be roughly 500–1000 words long.

The deadline for article proposals is December 20, 2019, and selections will be made by mid-January. In the final selection, we will consider regional and gender balance, as well as representation of different types of activities. The deadline for final articles is March 15, 2020.

The magazine will be published in June 2020. The main distribution event will be the UArctic Congress 2020 in Reykjavík, Iceland, and the meeting of the Assembly of UArctic in spring 2021, as well as any major Arctic conferences and events. The primary target audiences are staff, students and leadership at UArctic member institutions, decision-makers (e.g. the governments and parliaments of the Arctic Council member states), and institutions outside UArctic interested in higher education and research in the Arctic and on the Arctic.

Send your proposal to by December 20, 2019. If you have any questions or other suggestions regarding the 2020 issue of Shared Voices, do not hesitate to be in touch with us.

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