News & Press Releases
29 March 2012
Web-casting is becoming and important venue for communicating special events to the wider audience. The Arctic Portal has facilitated numerous virtual events over the past months which are now available on the Portal for viewing.
29 March 2012
In the past months some important partners have joined the Arctic Portal, establishing their web presence through the Portal. These include the European Commission through the PAGE21 project, the Biodiversity in Arctic Waters website Vistey, new websites for both CAFF and PAME, workgroups of the Arctic Council, the Arctic Yearbook and the European Arctic Information Center Preparatory Action.
27 March 2012
The main geothermal power station in Iceland is starting to draw heat from hell. In the North of Iceland, the Crater Hell, or Víti to the natives, portrays running water near glowing magma.
23 March 2012
The PAGE21 project, a new EU 7th framework collaborative research project which Arctic Portal proudly is a part of, will expand knowledge of permafrost in the Arctic. Drilling starts next week in Adventdalen, Svalbard.
21 March 2012
The rise of sea levels due to melting sea ice, as a result of climate change, could cost around $2 trillion US dollars. This is the result of a study by the Stockholm Environment Institute in Sweden.
20 March 2012
Stronger global governance is needed to mitigate human impact on the earth's climate and to ensure sustainable development. This is the statement of 32 scientists who published a paper in the journal Science.
19 March 2012
Green economy is the focal point of the summer. Rio+20, United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on June 20-22, 2012.
14 March 2012
The Greenlandic ice sheet may completely melt in 2000 years as it is more vulnerable to global warming than previously thought. This is the results of a study released this week.
12 March 2012
The EU Arctic Information Centre will bring the Arctic closer to the European Union, and vice versa. Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission, visited Rovaniemi and the Arctic Centre of the University of Lapland in Finland last week.
9 March 2012
France has agreed to cooperation with Iceland regarding the Arctic. The foreign ministers of the two countries met this week to finalize the agreement.
7 March 2012
The relationship between Canada and Russia is set to strengthen with an establishment of a joint research council. The countries relationship is thought to be stiff.
5 March 2012
Many established scientist thought that trees were wiped off in the north in the Little Ice Age, which started some 115.000 years ago. That is not the case according to Danish scientist.
1 March 2012
Norwegian scientists have found a new, cheap and environmental friendly way to use solar power. The new substance is metal hybrides that Research Fellow Trygve Mongstad has found to be very effective.
28 February 2012
The 5th Polar Law Symposium will start in Rovaniemi, Finland, on 6th of September. The two day event will bring together internationally renowned scholars from all over the world where the Arctic will be the main focus.
28 February 2012
Norwegian company Sagex Petrolium has requested information about servicing for oil entities in the eastern part of Iceland. Looking to the Dreki area, oil processing could be feasible in the area in the near future.
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