Arctic Energy Forum 2024 2500px AD

The Arctic Energy Forum 2024 (AEF) will be held in the town of Akureyri in northern Iceland on 14-16 October 2024, prior to the Arctic Circle Assembly. A pre-conference education and policy tour is offered on Saturday and Sunday, October 12-13.

AEF 2024 is held by the Arctic Energy Foundation (registered Non for Profit organization in Iceland) in collaboration with local organizers Arctic Portal and Alaska Center for Energy and Power, supported by and in collaboration with relevant leading Icelandic, USA and international partners. The theme of the forum is "Navigating the Green Energy Transition in the Arctic – Charting a Path for Responsible Governance for Thriving Northern Communities".

AEF 2024 will review facts and discuss examples of best practices and solutions in energy and Green transitions through consulting and presentations for responsible energy solutions for Sustainable Nordic, Arctic, and Global Development. Emphasis will be on responsible energy use and utilization, not least renewable and green transition opportunities and solutions in smaller communities.

AEF 12-16 October consists of:    

Addresses by Key-Note speakers, Panel Discussions, Breakout Sessions, Local Excursion, Get-to-know the locals reception & Conference social evening, Pre-conference Northern Iceland Education and Policy tour ending with Pre-Arctic Circle Assembly Akureyri to Reykjavik Energy Infrastructure Informative Transfer Tour.

Who should attend:

Leaders, practitioners, and researchers interested in sharing lessons learned and best practices from the Arctic region. Attendees will have the opportunity to establish networks and partnerships focused on advancing resilient, affordable, and reliable energy systems, explore emerging energy technologies applicable to the Arctic, and connect with experts across various disciplines.

Keynote speakers include:

Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, Iceland Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate
Carrin F. Patman, United States Ambassador to Iceland
Kalistat Lund, Greenland Minister of Energy
US State Leader

Other Confirmed Speakers Include:

Aaron Cooke (NREL), Bruno Grunau (NREL), Jeremy Kasper (ACEP), Bjarni Palsson (Landsvirkjun), Ottó Elíasson (Eimur), Guðmundur Sigurðsson (Vistorka), Finnur Beck (Samorka), Greg Poelzer, Ditte Stiler (Nordic Energy Research), Magnus de Witt (UAF/ACEP), Emily He (Pembina Institute), Erin Whitney (Arctic Energy Office DOE), Diane Hirshberg (ISER/UAA), Jill Lauren Hass (Polar Knowledge Canada/ Savoir polare Canada), Anna Martz (US Department of State), Jóhanna Auðunsdóttir (Landsvirkjun), Gwen Holdmann (UAF/ACEP), Robert Leland (SNL), Ole Odegard (Nordic Energy Research), Alexander Zhivov (USACE), Dominique Pride (UAF/ACEP), Björn Þór Guðmundsson (KMT), Halldor Johannsson ( Arctic Portal ), Mads Frederiksen ( Arctic Economic Council), Halla Hrund Logadottir ( Iceland Energy Authority - Harvard Kennedy School ), Bergdis Ellertsdottir ( Senior Arctic Official Iceland ) and many more.

See the full agenda on

Conference Registration fee - USD 395. Fee includes: conference material, refreshments, lunches, an excursion in Akureyri, and a conference evening.

Education and policy tour - USD 350. A pre-conference education and policy tour in Akureyri and the North East region is offered on Saturday and Sunday, October 12-13 - see agenda for more details. The fee is included the tour, guide, reception on Saturday, lunch on Sunday and the Forest Lagoon social program on Saturday evening.

Energy and scenic tour from Akureyri to Reykjavik on Wednesday 16th (prior to the Arctic Circle Assembly). Cost USD 90. Travel from downtown Akureyri in the morning to downtown Reykjavik in the early evening with visits at scenic places and energy infrastructure on the way - see agenda for further details.

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