4th Arctic Science Ministerial

In the Arctic Science Ministerial Meeting, ASM4, held today April 14th in Sankt Petersburg, the Russian Chairmanship to the Arctic Council introduced the Ministerial report.

Arctic Science Ministerial is a unique form of scientific cooperation that traditionally advocates preserving the Arctic region as a territory of peace, stability and constructive interaction focused on achieving concrete, practical results in the interests of all people in the northern latitudes, including indigenous peoples. The Russian Federation continues the coordinating functions within the ASM adopted from previous coordinators on 16 June 2021 at the final ASM3 webinar, and on 14 October 2021 in Reykjavik, Iceland at the annual international Arctic Circle Assembly, based on the continuity of previous ASM and the increasing relevance of scientific research in the Arctic.

This book provides an overview of past events - webinars, participation in conference roundtables - with the aim of sharing scientific experience of Arctic research and forming informational materials to support science and higher education activities through international organizations and forums in the Arctic zone, supporting and updating the database of Arctic research projects carried out by scientific and educational organizations, including jointly, as well as through international.

The information base for this work was the results of feedback assessment from Russian and foreign scientific and educational organizations, data on international projects in the Arctic, materials from the websites of the Arctic Council and the working groups of the Arctic Council. In addition, climate, geological, biological, sociological, and technological research was used as the basis for developing strategies for sustainable economic development in the Arctic that take into account the interests of all stakeholders, including indigenous peoples, environmental organizations, industry, and government agencies.

The full ASM4 report

Source: www.asm4.ru

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