SAON logo 2022

SAON recognizes and values its relationships with both the Arctic Council and the International Arctic Science Committee as outlined in its founding documents. For the time being, the SAON Board and its committees will be following the pause outlined in the A7 statement.

SAON meetings will pause and SAON will step back as a co-convener of the Arctic Observing Summit.

What is SAON

Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON) is a joint initiative of the Arctic Council and the International Arctic Science Committee that aims to strengthen multinational engagement in pan-Arctic observing. The SAON process was established in 2011 at the Seventh Ministerial Meeting of the Arctic Council (AC) via the Nuuk Declaration. This declaration recognizes the “importance of the Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON) process as a major legacy of the International Polar Year for enhancing scientific observations and data-sharing.” The declaration also defines the SAON governance structure and Terms of Reference, which were formally approved in 2012.

In 2014, the SAON Board finalized its first implementation plan, which established two committees: The Arctic Data Committee (ADC) and the Committee on Observations and Networks (CON). The ADC aims to promote and facilitate international collaboration to establish free, ethically open2, sustained, and timely access to Arctic data through easily accessible and interoperable systems. The CON aims to promote and facilitate international collaboration towards a pan-Arctic Observing System, which is defined as a sustained, integrated and multi-disciplinary system for observing this region of rapid change.

Vision of SAON

SAON's vision is a connected, collaborative, and comprehensive long-term pan-Arctic Observing System that serves societal needs.

Mission of SAON

SAON facilitates, coordinates, and advocates for coordinated international pan-Arctic observations and mobilizes the support needed to sustain them.

Goals of SAON

In keeping with the above vision and mission, SAON has adopted the following three goals and SAON’s guiding principles support its work across these:

1. Create a roadmap to a well-integrated Arctic Observing System;
2. Promote free and ethically open access to all Arctic observational data; and
3. Ensure sustainability of Arctic observing

Source: SAON

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