High North Dialogue 2022

The High North Dialogue 2022 brings together major stakeholders concerned with Arctic development, not at least young people who will be leaders with responsibility for the Arctic in a few years. The purpose of the High North Dialogue is to encourage and facilitate dialogue between stakeholders to promote sustainable business and societal development in the Arctic, as well as information sharing and discussion of best practices.

The conference is free of charge and will be organized as a digital and physical event on April 6-7, allowing about 250 participants to be physically present in Stormen Library downtown Bodø, Norway. 

Business in the Arctic – The Great Shifts.

The discussion topics will be Policy Shifts, Green Shifts, Demographic Shifts,  Governance Shifts and Shifts in Ocean Technology. These great shifts are all taking place in the Arctic and are influencing the Arctic. What do they all mean for the future of the High North, especially for young people?

In addition to the thematic panels, presentation of the awards for High North Hero 2022 and High North Young Entrepreneur 2022, in addition to the best High North Scenario from this year’s student group.
And last but not least there will be a dialogue between the ambassadors to Norway from the Arctic States.

Check out the program and read more about the conference here!


The search for a Hero

The search for the High North Hero for 2022.

The High North Hero Award is an annual award established by the High North Center for Business and Governance to honour a person, organization or company who has contributed to highlighting or developing the High North. The award is handed out during the High North Dialogue Conference in Bodø.

Submit your candidate, and read more about the award.

The nomination period closes February 20, 2022.


High North Young Entrepreneur

The High North Young Entrepreneur contest is an international pitch competition of Arctic-related business ideas of young entrepreneurs and start-ups. The overall goal for the contest is to bring attention to the economic potential and special needs of the High North areas and to encourage young people to develop their business ideas. Are you a Young Entrepreneur with ideas to share?

Apply and win the prize of NOK 50 000.


Source: High North Dialogue 2022

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