Wilson Center 50

The Wilson Center's Polar Institute will host its second edition of the Polar Week, from July 27 to 31, 2020, to explore, analyze, discuss, and inform many of these important issues and dynamics.

Through several public events, the July 2020 Polar Week will address: maritime activity in the Bering Strait; Canada's Arctic and Northern Policy Framework; the European Union's Arctic policy, ; the complex relationship in the Arctic between the United States and Russia; Marine Protected Areas in the Southern Ocean, and; the launch of the inaugural edition of the Wilson Center's Polar Perspectives publication series.



Monday, July 27

Event: Expansion of Maritime Activity in the Bering Strait Region: Mitigating Existing and Future Risks

11am to 12:30pm EDT via Webcast Mark Everett, U.S. Coast Guard District 17 Incident Management & Preparedness Advisor, Co-Chair of the Joint Planning Group for Russia-U.S. Joint Marine Pollution Contingency Plan Dr. Natalia Kutaeva, Counsellor to the Director of Marine Rescue Service, Co-Chair of the Joint Planning Group for Russia-U.S. Joint Marine Pollution Contingency Plan Ed Page, Executive Director, Marine Exchange Alaska Yaari Walker, Indigenous Consultant for Alaska Pacific University Margaret Williams, Director, WWF US Arctic Program Moderator: Ambassador David Balton (ret.), Senior Fellow, Polar Institute, Wilson Center; Ambassador (ret.) for Oceans and Fisheries, U.S. Department of State

Tuesday, July 28

Event: China's Role in Saving the Wild Southern Ocean: Creating a Network of Marine Protected Areas

9am to 10:15am EDT via Webcast Introduction: Jiliang Chen, Researcher, Greenovation Hub Introduction: Nicole Bransome, Pew Charitable Trusts Binbin Li, Duke Kunshan University Nengye Liu, Associate Professor of International Law, Macquarie University Guifang Xue (Julia), Distinguished Professor of International Law, KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Moderator: Jennifer Turner, Director, China Environment Forum, Wilson Center Launch: Inaugural Edition of the Polar Perspectives publication series Is it time for a paradigm shift in how Antarctic tourism is controlled? by Dr. Peter Carey, Global Fellow, Polar Institute, Wilson Center

Wednesday, July 29

Event: Canada's Arctic and Northern Policy Framework

2pm to 3:30pm EDT via Webcast Ambassador David Sproule, Senior Arctic Official, Canada, and; Director General, Arctic, Eurasian, and European Affairs, Global Affairs Canada Serge Beaudoin, Assistant Deputy Minister at Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada Ambassador David Balton (ret.), Senior Fellow, Polar Institute, Wilson Center, and; former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Oceans and Fisheries, US Department of State Christopher Sands, Director, Canada Institute, Wilson Center Moderator: Dr. Mike Sfraga, Director, Polar Institute, Wilson Center, and; Director, Global Risk & Resilience Program, Wilson Center

Thursday, July 30

Event: The European Union and the Arctic

11:30am to 1pm EDT via Webcast Ambassador Michael Mann, EU Ambassador at Large for the Arctic Terkel Petersen, Senior Adviser, Arctic Matters, European External Action Service Moderator: Dr. Mike Sfraga, Director, Polar Institute, Wilson Center, and; Director, Global Risk & Resilience Program, Wilson Center

Friday, July 31

Event: Realism in the Arctic

1pm to 2pm EDT via Webcast Ambassador Ken Yalowitz (ret.), Global Fellow, Kennan Institute and Polar Institute, Wilson Center, and; former US Ambassador to Belarus and Georgia Dr. Ross A. Virginia, Global Fellow, Polar Institute, Wilson Center, and; Professor and Director, Institute of Arctic Studies, Dartmouth College Matthew Rojansky, JD, Director, Kennan Institute, Wilson Center Moderator: Dr. Mike Sfraga, Director, Polar Institute, Wilson Center and; Director, Global Risk & Resilience Program, Wilson Center

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