APPLICATE General Assembly 2019

The APPLICATE General Assembly 2019 was held in Reading (UK) 28 - 30 January, hosted by ECMWF. Now Early Career Event will be held 31. January - 1. February.

The meeting featured presentations on the project’s scientific progress, invited talks and breakout sessions. There was also plenty of opportunity for networking and discussion, an ice breaker reception and a meeting dinner. Halldór Jóhannsson the manager of Arctic Portal participated.

The APPLICATE project (Advanced Prediction in Polar regions and beyond: modelling, observing system design and LInkages associated with a Changing Arctic climaTE) is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 727862) with the aim to enhance weather and climate prediction capabilities in Polar regions and understand the impact of Arctic changes to mid-latitudes. APPLICATE involves 16 partners from nine countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom) and started in November 2016 running over a period of four years.

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