Arctic Portal news

Just in time for the start of the Arctic Winter Special Observing Period a brandnew issue of the PolarPredictNews is available at

How good is environmental prediction in the polar regions? Are there specific weather phenomena which are not yet well represented by numerical models? In this issue, our PPP Steering Group members Barbara Casati and Gunilla Svensson present on their plans to coordinate process-based evaluations using high-frequency multi-variate observations at YOPP Supersites to answer these and other questions.

Further in this issue, read about an updated version of the ‘Sea Ice Information Services in the World’ which provides information on best practices of currently available sea-ice services, and about the World Data Center PANGAEA serving as a YOPP Data Hub. We also like to invite you to learn about two community efforts contributing to YOPP which you can join: the Sea Ice Prediction Network South (SIPN South) has been initiated to assess the current ability to forecast summer sea ice around Antarctica; and the Sea Ice Drift Forecast Experiment (SIDFEx) collects and analyzes Arctic sea ice drift forecasts at lead times from days to a year.

For this and more, download the newsletter at

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