Arctic Portal news

In partnership with APECS

As two international organizations based in Akureyri, Iceland, the Conservation of Flora and Fauna (CAFF) and the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), are teaming up together and with the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) to help early career scientists get more involved in the process of taking research from results through to science policy recommendations.

We are looking for two CAFF-IASC Fellows in this inaugural year. Fellows will identify a joint area of interest and expertise, participate in and contribute to CAFF’s work, and produce some culminating output. Application deadline: 20 Dec 2017 at 13:00 GMT

This year's areas of interest are:

  • The Arctic Migratory Bird Initiative
  • Circumpolar Terrestrial Biodiversity monitoring in the Arctic

The duration of the Fellowships will be from January through November 2018. Each Fellow will begin by attending the CAFF Board Meeting (6-8 Feb 2018; Fairbanks, Alaska), continue on with an appropriate working group meeting, and contribute to the program of the Arctic Biodiversity Congress. As appropriate, Fellows will continue working with their CAFF groups to deliver peer-reviewed publications and/or a report to the Arctic Council Senior Arctic Officials.

Fellowship Commitment

During their appointment, both Fellows will be expected to attend the followning meetings:

  • CAFF Board Meeting, 6-8 February 2018; Fairbanks, Alaska
  • One CAFF working group meeting (TBD)
  • The Arctic Biodiversity Congress, 9-11 October 2018; Rovaniemi, Finland
  • Other meetings (e.g. Arctic Science Summit Week / Polar2018), as time and funds allow.

Travel support to attend 3 – 4 meetings for each Fellow during their Fellowships will be made available through CAFF and IASC. The travel support is the only financial remuneration for the fellows. Salary is not included during the fellowship.

Fellowship Deliverables

  • Fellows will deliver meeting reports for partner newsletters.
  • As this is a pilot program, Fellows will deliver program feedback and evaluations.
  • As part of their Fellowship, Fellows will contribute to at least one peer reviewed publication and/or deliverable report to the Arctic Council Senior Arctic Officials.

Application & Selection Criteria

Fellows should:

  • Be advance Master students. Doctoral students / candidates, postdoctoral researchers or early career faculty members (up to 5 years past PhD),
  • Commit to participating in the activities and meetings listed above in the announcement text from January to November 2018,
  • Be excited about international teamwork, be open to cross-disciplinary work, and appreciate the need to engage between science and policy-related institutions, and
  • Have a good command of English.

To apply please fill out this online application form: Applications are due by 20 December 2017 and applicants will be contacted by 11 January 2018. A Word copy of the form is available through for those who have problems viewing or accessing the online form. In recognition of project funding from Sweden, candidates from Sweden are encouraged to apply. APECS will coordinate the application and review process; recommendations from APECS based on the review process will be delivered for final selection to the CAFF and IASC Secretariats.

Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF)

CAFF is the biodiversity working group of the Arctic Council and consists of National Representatives assigned by each of the eight Arctic Council Member States, representatives of Indigenous Peoples' organizations that are Permanent Participants to the Council, and Arctic Council observer countries and organizations. CAFF’s mandate is to address the conservation of Arctic biodiversity, and to communicate its findings to the governments and residents of the Arctic, helping to promote practices which ensure the sustainability of the Arctic’s living resources. For more information:

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