Wilson Center

The Arctic is a region of international dialogue and potential competition, of varied challenges and diverse opportunities. It is also a region that is gaining in both geopolitical significance and public awareness every day. The complex relationship between the United States and Russia, along with the approaches of the six other Arctic nations, will continue to shape the region’s social, economic, political and environmental issues far into the future.

Join us to explore this crucial Arctic relationship and the implications for all Arctic nations, the communities that call the region home, and the countries and organizations that have a vested interest in a peaceful and sustainable Arctic.

See more at: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/event/day-1-the-wilson-center-arctic-circle-forum#sthash.zHGzH1no.dpuf

Live feed at: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/event/day-1-the-wilson-center-arctic-circle-forum

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