ICSU World Data System

The World Data System (WDS) is a body of the International Council for Science (ICSU) that helps to coordinate and supports research data centres and date services worldwide. Our activities span all disciplines, and are designed to ensure that research data are preserved and openly disseminated to safeguard the integrity of science. WDS is also concerned with the availability to scientists and policymakers of the critical information necessary to manage Earth’s resources wisely.

WDS recognizes the important role of Early Career Researchers in developing and promoting best practice in data management and data sharing through its annual Data Stewardship Award. We have now started to create a WDS Network of Early Career Researchers and Young Scientists (collectively ECRs), and we are looking for enthusiastic and brilliant individuals to take this even further by helping foster better communication among ECRs, and to design activities targeting their interests and concerns.

If you are a data scientist or a scientist who collects and uses large data resources then this Network is specifically for you. Moreover, if you are interested in becoming involved in WDS endeavours and would like to contribute to the development of ‘next-generation’ data practices, then please contact the WDS International Programme Office to find out more about joining the WDS ECR Network.

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