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Arctic Portal is looking for a highly qualified data management specialist to fill a postdoc position that will be available as of 1st September 2017 based on an INNOSUP grant.

The selected candidate will be asked to design a Proof of Concept (PoC) for a Beta version of an Arctic Data Management System (ADMS) – a system for interpreting and managing Arctic-related data and knowledge.

The ADMS will identify and retrieve Arctic-related data and knowledge from multiple databases, adapt it to a common international standardised format, and allow end users to retrieve data in a standardised format. The system will have state-of-the-art data intelligence tools, including a geographic information system (GIS), metadata catalogues, and tools to interpretation and visualise data. It will combine the highest level of technical and human elements to interpret data and provide end-users with the highest quality and most appropriate data solutions for their needs.

Tasks for the selected candidate will include:

  • Analysing user needs, including identifying potential data products;
  • Creating detailed specifications to improve the usability of data sets and web-based interfaces for workflow requirements of the scientific community;
  • Using statistical methods, modern scientific calculation and quality assessments for processing data and generating interactive maps;
  • Conducting expert feedback and usability tests to improve visualisations of data and put them into established standardised formats required by the scientific community;
  • Creating a missing link in interaction (conferences, publications, data management) between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the scientific community.

In addtion, the selected candidate will help the hosting organisation (Arctic Portal) to:

  • Position itself as a Data Management System hub for Arctic monitoring networks, Arctic interlinked data, analysis models and decision support tools;
  • Strengthen and improve the existing Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (GTN-P) Data Management System (DMS), located in Akureyri and designed by Arctic Portal;
  • Generalise and apply similar data management tools for other Global Monitoring Networks. The selected Innovation Associate will contribute to design the Proof of Concept - ADMS Beta version – and therefore contribute to the innovation strategy of the company.

The postdoc will work under the supervision of Arctic Portal's Data Manager, and will be supported by programmers, a web-developers, and a system administrator. The selected candidate will also work closely with the Executive Director and Project Manager.

The duration of the contract, which is financed under the EU Horizon 2020 Innovation Associate Grant, INNOSUP, is 12 months. Start date: 1st September 2017; end date: 31st August 2018 with the possibility of extention.

Main research field: computer science, data management
Research profile: leading postdoc researcher

The application deadline is June 30, 2017. For more information, please contact:

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