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The Year of Polar Prediction session at the upcoming Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society's 51st Congress and annual meeting is announcing a call for abstracts.

The abstracts can be submited electronically by choosing the “Interdisciplinary” theme and “The Year of Polar Prediction” session (#1707010). The submission deadline is February 15, 2017.

The CMOS Congress will be held in June 4-8, 2017, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The theme of the congress is "Future Earth: Weather, Oceans, Climate". The event will bring together a wide range of scientists and other professionals from across Canada and other countries with a focus on topics in atmospheric, ocean and earth sciences.

The Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP) is a major international activity that was initiated by the World Meteorological Organization’s World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) as a key component of the Polar Prediction Project (PPP). It will take place from mid-2017 to mid-2019. The overarching goal of YOPP is to significantly advance our environmental prediction capabilities for the polar regions and beyond. As an internationally coordinated period of intensive observing, modelling, prediction, verification, user-engagement and education activities which involves various stakeholders, the Year of Polar Prediction contributes to the knowledge base needed for managing the opportunities and risks that come with polar climate change.

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